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Everything posted by wrxmania

  1. No need - but YEEEESSSSSS!!! Go ahead Spooks - sounds like the Brian in Longridge story!
  2. I hope so - I am, shall we say, well known there now Derek is great, I know the work will be good and thorough (if approved by insurer) and they even know the registration plate of my car etc it has been there so often!!! I know what you mean about the road - I have never managed above 90 for the same reason - I am SURE I would stuff it - in saying that a bit late now - at least it would have been better if I had been doing 100 MPH - I would take the rap for that one. Nevermind - hope Nobles get it on the road again. Brian
  3. Good point Stiks - anyone got the 'phone number for Priveledge!!!
  4. You might be right Keith - I already have an SIDC sticker (and a stainless exhausts.co.uk one) - it's an outie in case anyone (ie Dougster) is asking. And YES - I have a few days ago re-issued my SIDC membership even though it is not due for weeks!!! I will put my sticker on my car when I (hopefully) get it back. Phil - just re-read Spooks' and Stevo's statements - Spookily familiar indeed - now I know who to blame for tempting fate - SPOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Brian
  5. Hello all, I have taken some pictures of the spot where my car went off the road. You can see the bend in the road, the poor surface, the ditch and some tyre tracking. You can also see where my cars' underside has "dug up" the ground as it steamed along at a 45 degree angle The ditch was full of at least 1 foot of water in the pics so is much deeper than it seems and the bank at the fence side of the ditch was above the bottom of my car windows when it was in the ditch!!! Brian
  6. OK all, As you know my car is in a state of MUCH smashed-ness!! Luckily all are OK. OWN UP - tell me about your near escapes or unlicky hits like mine or total write offs - no stories of death please, stupidly bad driving (well, not too many) or things which people who moan, ie on Scoobynet about illegal or dangerous activities, may say something about. Make me feel I am not the only one Brian
  7. I'll put my free one on the non smashed in side of my car
  8. THE UPDATE: Phoned Admiral (my insurer) at 10AM this morning, was quick and pinless although entered a major debate about their approved repairer - I think I used phrases such as "back street bodge repairer" and "NEVER had a good repair fom an approved repairer". However, they were having NONE of it and insited approved repairer as, they would not pay to have it moved anywhere else and the approved repairer would uplift as part of their service - it is undriveable and at the recovery place in storage. Eventually accepted, no option on this one and approved repairer it was - they woul phone me later to tell me who. They phoned later, and I called them back. The first date that their repairer could take my car was October 27th!!!!!! and provide a courtesy car - I really went to town at this point and, after a lot of pushing, the car is being picked up by Nobles - one call to the ever helpful Derek @ the bodyshop from me and it will go to them ASAP. I lose the courtesy car using Nobles but I have the Primera so no worries (as long as it runs well ). So, hopefully it will arrive at Nobles soon, be assessed, the repair approved (if not then they will have to pay to move it again) and then my car repaired soon. No way was I waiting until 27th October then another week at least to get it back, knowing that as the bodyshop was so busy it would no doubt be a rush job - Nobles DO NOT rush as I am always told, and know from experience - careful hand wrok is the name. I will keep you all updated of my (lack of) progress!! Brian - slightly more cheerful today
  9. Good choice of road to avoid John - especially in retrospect - just had a bad combination of some mud on the tyres (after being on the grass to avoid the guy) then slight curve, bump in the road, sliding to the left and then - LO AND BEHOLD - a lovely ditch. I may add, my cousin loved it all and said at night that, in spite of the pity of my car being smashed, he loved every minute of it and it gave him something to talk about to his mates I am gonna try to drive it sensibly when (IF?) I get it back. BTW John - it was just at the crossroads for Bents, East Whitburn and Longridge - where all the broken bits of cars, lights, wheels trims etc are lying - if you look just past the crossing to Longridge then you will see the ditch where I landed - it is fairly deep!!! Brian
  10. He LOVES the blue and gold - ADMIT IT!!!! Brian
  11. I would defo come along but I am working every night and day in December so no chance of making it. Sorry
  12. Don't think my insurance company will like those ideas too much - waiting to see what the damage is first Brian
  13. Nice car Dave - you like it? Test drove one at its launch - I quite liked it. My wife has a Yaris. Brian
  14. Sorry to hear that MY94, I know how you must be feeling Brian.
  15. Thanks guys, It looks a bit of a mess and I could understand it were I doing 100MPH round the corner etc. Just the way it goes I suppose - not had too much luck really Brian.
  16. Thanks guys for the support. I hope she is repaired back to a good standard and she can go to Nobles instead of an approved repairer. An unavoidable accident and a total downer but you can't turn back time. My cousin did not even realise we had hit anything until we stopped and he asked "What happened there?". The same thing went through my mind Brian
  17. The roads were pretty dry but as I went slightly onto the grass to avoid the walker I then obviously picked up a bit of mud, drove on a hundred yards, slight bend, car slid onto a patch of grass and straight into the ditch. The road surface is poor with some puddling and a collapsing road edge.
  18. Hello all, After speaking to John (EVOJKP) took my cousin for a run in the car round some local roads. On a single track road slightly wet with a poor road surface - person walking down the road, moved over a bit, hit some rough ground, pothole, some puddles and my passenger front wheel went onto some wet grass and then straight down a ditch to the left of the hole. The car travelled about 50 yards with one side of the car in a ditch then CRUNCH - a boulder in the ditch The ditch was up to my knees deep in mud and about a foot of water - it had been dug out for drainage I think. The car was recovered out of the ditch backwards, is totally covered in mud and looks a mess. The bumper, nearside wing, wheel, nearside light, possibly the bonnet, fog light etc are total write offs. The doors on the nearside look a bit scraped. The car was not travelling at great speed by the time it hit the boulder, certainly less than 15MPH and no airbags went off, and we were both A OK luckily. My cd's did not even fall out of the rack. I am REALLY gutted - just can't believe it - just another point of bad luck with the car. It is sitting at the recovery operators and my insurer is closed until tomorrow. The car was gleaming, new brakes, WAX WIZARD clean, etc. The recovery guy reckons panel damage only as the mud was very soft so hopefully no mechanical damage. Don't know what the damage to the car will be finally - at least the parts listed above and a total nearside respray Still in shock. Can't believe it. Brian
  19. Better than "DULL GREY" eh Stiks???? The car looks great Stevo - nice and shiny and the Road Angel fitment front of bumper looks good too. Just don't look at that left hand needle too often Need bigger Dipol stickers - with an explanation for car thieves!!! Get some pink flaps now Stevo!
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