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Everything posted by wrxmania

  1. I used to stay (and my parents still do) in Sunny Bar.L just along the Eddie road!! Brian
  2. You could make the trip to C&C Custom in Hillington near Glasgow. They'll build you one while you wait when you book the car in!!! Incredibly good exhaust systems built to your requirements by the wonderful guys at C&C Custom
  3. Jeez Moses, That is ONE BIG AVATAR!!!!! I'm here Brian
  4. All been debated in full on Scoobynet - I don't want to drag it over here and bring down the fresh atmospher of SIDC Scottish Scoobies. Thanks for your comments though. And thanks to all who have PM'd me, emailed me, etc including people I have never met here, on 22B, on Scoobynet etc. Brian
  5. The speed up makes it seem like Dougster's car. But most likely West Lothian Scoob - as he is a 22B beater?????? Brian
  6. Tuesday 28th 2004 - STIRLING MEET - LIST BELOW: 1. wrxmania 2. CAZ1562 3. Spince Brian
  7. The drift king!!! You should be driving a BM mate - P.S. Thanks for the call - did you get my text! Brian
  8. David, Nice description - Banger Racing as that is fairly accurate Brian
  9. Keith, I wear my A P I jacket all the time - it is great as my other one has disappeared - great for the winter I would love to have gone to the rally GB but I am unable to. Phil - I will not discuss the outcome of the tickets etc here as I have made my thought known on Scoobynet. Thanks for trying to contact me. Brian
  10. Let's make it Tuesday 28th September if that suits all, especially Derek?!?! Anyone got any better ideas - get this going with a few folk - not a dead shot, 2 cars and 10 minutes till home time Brian
  11. Great to hear there is another good dealer in the area. Good start guys!!! Brian
  12. Starts tomorrow and runs until Sunday. Superb event - SO SO SO wish I could go. Anyone know ANYONE who wants to take them. I have one offer so far. Brian
  13. Anyone wanna buy some tickets?!? What do I do - !!!!!!
  14. Oh DAMMMMIIITTTT!!! I am working Thursday, Friday and Saturday - BOLLOCKS!!!! Never thought I would win it - any advice ANYONE!?!?! I can't believe I actually won Brian
  15. No - sorry. How about £5 - then I'll have 2!!! Brian
  16. << Bet that was worth waiting for >> NOPE Do you want comments on the wheel colour? If so, not keen on it - a bit too bland for me. Brian
  17. Good footage. How is the Dougster these days? What's with the Type R Scotland link - you buying a Type R? Brian
  18. I'd be up for that depending on schedule although working almost every night and day all of December, Brian
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