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Everything posted by wrxmania

  1. << Not a big meet then/ >> NOPE but the quantity was certainy there if you get the drift
  2. Would have come along but working Wednesday night!! Brian
  3. Hello all, Here are some photos of Johnny50, Stiks and Kartman from the meet - none of me as I had the camera and everyone was a bit "tipsy" shall we say!!!! The phrase every spirit behind the bar comes to mind The first picture was especially taken for West Lothian Scoob aka Stevie (as well as one of Keith with some bukkake juice (mixed with other things - who know what!!)) Enjoy and apologies for the quality of some. Picture 8 of Johnny is a good 'un - at his best at that stage - we did all degenerate a bit. Look at picture 12 of Keith - you'll get the idea by the glazed look!!! I am surprised there were not more photos of the roof or floor thinking back to the evening Brian
  4. Yoyu should be watching ITV. Speed SUnday with Prodrive and now the Rally Japan!!!! Brian
  5. Scoobynet link - Simon needs your sensible suggestions please Hello all, Can you please follow the link above and contribute to the discussion on Scoobynet. Simon has asked for SENSIBLE points on the way forward for the Scoland section on Scoobynet - this should allow us to contribute to a genuine discussion on the future. Simon has asked for reasoned points to be posted up by Wednesday as he will be sorting through them all then. PLEASE contribute sensibly - I'd like to get my £25 worth from the forums. Simon did say, and I quote: "As promised, once time allows, we will look into the solution for the scotland forum. I am returning from Japan on Tuesday and will be back in action on wednesday so hope to have an hour or so to talk this all through. We want to hear from you what you want. IMPORTANT : The replies that will be taken into account will automatically be the ones that show balance. Anything that simply says "this is the way it should be and it's blindingly obvious - there is no alternative" will show us instantly that the person is not able to show reason or understanding for the potential complexities. Anything posted that is not an attempt to assist this conversation will be ignored or deleted, and anything posted in response to any of these posts will also be deleted. -- Please be very clear. We are not interested in the views of the loud mouths. We are interested in the genuine community members, who just want the best place for us all. We (and I particularly) REALLY want this to work. The measures we had to put in place were a for a long drawn out combination of reasons and events. Apologies (to the genuine members - who are mostly those who didn't start shouting and insulting) for any upset. I hope you will support us in return by offering your advice and ideas. How do you want it all to work?" Thanks and get posting, Brian
  6. Pretty pathetic really. After this happened to me (I was the MX-5 equivalent) I always leave a large gap in front of my car to ensure if I am ever hit from bhind, I do not hit anyone else. I always move over for tailgaters as it is not worth it. Scoobs - do not know why some people feel the need to prove a point - I don't. Brian
  7. << How about a nice new MY05 grey one!!! >> Premium silver NEVER forget!! Brian
  8. Don't forget all the chav's who'll turn up in Corsas and Saxos to "smoke you off"??? Brian
  9. NOT MINE!! Oh God - how bad do I feel right now!!!!!! Awwwwwwwwwwwww, Brian
  10. Varies from day to day - generally OK but could be better I am sure. I DO NOT use the dealer I purchased my car from.
  11. Two way interface - now there is something which is missing at the moment Brian
  12. Chris, You coming along to the Stables in Edinburgh for a quick drink tonight - we'll be there from around 7:30. Brian
  13. Hi Russ, Give us a brief resume of the dealership, the number of trained Subaru service tech's, the attitude of the dealership to modifications etc, UK vs imports etc. 10% SIDC discount of a new 2005 MY STI??!?! All the very best - there is a dealer not a million miles of you to the West which could do with a goo boot up the ar*e to get itself in order - you may push it along a bit. Need to work hard though to break into the after sales market of A F Nobles, which most of us use. Brian
  14. West Lothian Scoob (Stevie) has crawled many a time to his house - his is half the distance of mine and he can *aheeemmm* pee all the way from the pub door to his front door (APPARENTLY ). See you tonight (I also gather at around 8:30PM or after ) Brian
  15. Now now!! We were once those idoiots on Scoobynet you know LOL. Brian
  16. Who???! Me???? mmmmmmm, Alright then
  17. Dave, I get the feeling that your house is a similar distance from The Stables as West Lothian meeting place The Blaeberry is to my house Brian
  18. Stiks (Keith) and myself will be there at around 7:30 PM!!! If you get there after us - you'll sense two sad b*stards sitting in a corner. I will wear my competition winning API Engines jacket!!!!! Brian
  19. Thanks Carl for your mighty efforts - whatever we end up with it will be good!!! Top one of the three looks best to me - SIDC first then all the other stuff on the Right hand side, small url too. Brian
  20. Coulty, You can borrow mine also if you can't get Dave's - I am not going to be at KH though ;( Also a medium. Brian
  21. Seems like a good idea to me and would not stop me browsing the other SIDC areas either. Brian
  22. A Strategist - what is that type then - features etc? Brian p.s. Stevo is asking for Rose.
  23. Still no reply to PM's yet from Gerry. Anyone want to try phoning him?!?! Brian
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