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Everything posted by wrxmania

  1. No - we still need to post SIDC links there?!?
  2. Dougster and I have been "discussing" for a while ways to get more people to use the SIDC Scotland forums as it is a "nicer place to be" - all it took was a Scoobynet revolt, major complaining, weeks of bad feeling, petty remarks and offensive discussions to get it Thanks for that Stephen STI-04!!! Brian
  3. Well done. What a good financial move for SIDC the Scottish Scoobies section may prove to be. Brian
  4. 110 MPH will do for me most of the time (on private roads of course). Brian
  5. << here here - You've got to remember that most dealers offer 5-10% discount on parts & labour etc etc so a £30 annual membership can reap big savings in servicing costs (if u've got a UK car ) >> £30 well spent IMHO Brian
  6. Hello Simon, As there have been about 10 posts on Scoobynet Scotland over the last week, welcome here - MUCH busier now than ever before. Brian
  7. SOOOOOOOOOPERB!! I thought you already scared old wimmen - just by getting out of the car - as suddenly day turns into night and the sun is obscured?!? Brian
  8. Me me and me!!!! Oh, oooops, joined last October OK everyone - all who have hummed and hawed and palmed off Dougster when he has offered you a form or an innie or outie!!!! Brian
  9. Sounds great, I am working the weekend so can't make it but hope you get loads of folk. Brian
  10. Nice photoshop work there!!! Now I know where the paining went to!!! I have certainly heard about the zorst - just wondered what it sounded like. How did it come about - where from etc etc?! BTW - Cheers for the Run Map Brian
  11. GOD ALMIGHTY JAC!!!!! Your missus must be VERY VERY understanding!! Are you : 1. A Lottery Winner 2. A previous millionaire or 3. Totally skint and near seperation!!!! Brian
  12. Still no news yet. Sorry, Brian
  13. Jools, You selling the car and back to standard first?!? Brian
  14. << where were you today anyway????? i was waiting for the call at 08:30 >> In bed I believe - not asking what doing though Brian
  15. But where is the pic of the side exit exhaust!!! Grant - you got any sound files of it? Brian
  16. Not bad, BUT still 120 odds less than over the road, Brian
  17. Cheers John - now I feel GREAT!!!! Any luck with the exhaust yet?! Brian
  18. P.S. Meant to say (as above page 1 or whatever) I CAN'T GO SO DON'T ADD MY NAME TO THE LIST. Cheers
  19. Mmmmm - are you saying they are slow?!?!? Brian
  20. WHY HAS THIS NOT BEEN MOVED TO ANOTHER FORUM - maybe CTRScotland or somewhere?!?!?! Brian
  21. Anyone got any pics (including you Grant) of the side exit on Grants car?!?! Who, where, Why, how did the exhaust come about Grant?!?! Brian
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