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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. Well i thought it would get done under warranty, hence why it went in! Got a phone call back this afternoon and they're trying to process it as a warranty replacement now, should know tomorrow or Friday how it's progressing.
  2. Because when I turn right the car goes eeeeee eeeeee eeeeeee eeeeee eeeeee. Good news though - just waiting on the service manager phoning me back again.
  3. 11:52 - Still nothing. Is this what they mean by phoning first thing? He waits, that's what he does. Tick follows tock follows tick follows tock.
  4. Davie, a new headunit would be the first and cheapest suggestion. I fitted mine myself, and filled in the hole left by going from double din to single by using a forrestor pocket which matches the interior very nicely. The 06/07 interior is the same as the 05, so fitting it really is a piece of piss. You could try the headunit first and then see what you think. If it doesn't improve the quality enough then look at speakers. You're looking at about £20-30 for the price of the forrestor pocket and a Subaru to ISO wiring harness adapter (which may need a very small modification done to it to switch on the powered aerial). Then just add on the cost of a headunit. As far as sourcing a headunit - I got mine brand new off the ebay for much cheapness! Obviously if you go for a double din replacement you wont need to get the pocket. I'd gladly give you a hand with the fitting too. Next question is what you looking for in a headunit - ipod or external mp3 player capable? Bluetooth for phone hands free?
  5. 9:49 - No phone call. Tick, tock, tick, tock.......
  6. Alan, are the mods not worth more than 1,600? Or are they broken too. Just a thought that you could buy, nab the stuff you want off it then flog the rest of it back to a scrappys or breakers and use the good mods on anything new you get.
  7. There's also the spin round on the spot three times whilst chanting out the engine code backwards.
  8. Had a busy day, but I managed to phoned them and ask where my return phone call was. Few minutes after 5 they finall got back to me and have promised that they will phone again first thing in the morning with prices. I told them on the phone that after paying £150ish for 2 hours labour to have a wheel bearing cleaned up only for it to fail again 4 months later was simply not on. They could let me know the price of the part and I'd pay for that, but there was no way in hell that I'd be paying any of the labour on it. Oh she did say on the phone Bearing AND HUB! Ummmm, don't think so on that! They better be on the blower grovelling first thing tomorrow and I'll happily report up some good service, or this will stand up as a fine example of their customer service. Out of interest Camskill didn't have it for the new age, but managed to get a price on it elsewhere.
  9. What rules? Forum or other? We encourage people to tell others about good places they've used. What we discourage is the places themselves using the forum as free advertising.
  10. Never bloody ends with these things! Right, Halleys were phoned this afternoon about this very issue and hadn't phoned back yet. If they don't redeem themselves by lunch time tomorrow I'll fix it myself and take great pleasure in letting everyone know my experiences with them again.
  11. Al, I forgot you had all the way to Elgin to go or I would have chucked some chips across whilst we were stopped for dinner in Carluke! Which was excellent BTW!
  12. Going to get them done professionally then Anyone know a good place to get hold of one though?
  13. 1)PaulC555 2)GaryD 3)Terzo Neil (as long as i can run a non scooby at it) 4)superstar_tradesman 5)young-buck27 6)whitelightning 7)st3ph3n - if it's no broken!
  14. Just laughing at the video there. 4:35 you see me in shot, then just as I disappear you;ll hear my splitter coming CRUNCHING down!
  15. Mine was coming on at random times, well usually when cornering actually, turned out to be a wheel bearing going knackered.
  16. That sounds good Colin, just for the slow mechanical eejit in me - you take them the hub and they do their business with it, then whack the hub back in? So question two - easy enough to take a hub off?
  17. Quick question - is a press required for removing and fitting wheel bearings to a newage?
  18. Chaps - final question. Alan's jiggered his knee as he said so the plan to look at the linkage on Friday got shelved. Just got one more point I need to get sorted in my own head before I go and start arranging for it to get looked at. Obviously if we can pinpoint the problem then it could save me a fortune in not requiring to get the box out etc. etc. So yesterday the car was out on the McRae run, and it was the first time it had been out since tuesday. In the however many gear changes I needed during the day I only had a problem twice early doors. The problems experienced were not being able to get from 4th to 3rd, then not being able to go left then up from neutral to 1st, so had to go left and down into second, with a fair bit of resistance, which then subsequently frees everything up. After that the car ran fine. Still a wee bit clunky or notchy now and again. So here's my actual question! Obviously it's an H pattern box, but is there actually a physical plate with an H pattern on it that might have come loose that's causing the change action to be fouled? Then going back round the box again it's being knocked back in its place and everything then works again? These could well be the ramblings of a madman, but once I sort out when I need to be in the office over the next few days I'll get the car booked in somewhere for a look, so if anyone has any last thoughts please speak up!
  19. I've got a knackered wheel bearing again. It went into Halleys previously who in their infinite wisdom thought that charging me 2 hours labour to clean it up was the best solution, without consulting me I might add. Who would have thought that after 4 months it would be knackered again? Is that all of you with your hands up? Looks like it to me.
  20. Dave, you took the words out of my mouth. The only way the day could have been any better is if we'd never had to do it in the first place. But we did, and we did it in some style. The sight looking down to Hynford bridge from a good 1/2 mile back in the queue will be something that I'll remember forever. Great service too. Just the right kind of mood. Police recon over 15,000 people too. Incredible really, but absolutely fitting to a man that brought so much entertainment to the world.
  21. I'll catch you guys down there probably as I've got to make some detours to get some other folks.
  22. That silver one has a bit of something about it that's not quite right. That rear wing is a TRU replica spec c wing. Same one as I have on my car.
  23. I'll probably just meet you lot down there as I need to go via deepest darkest lanarkshire first. Well, that's making some assumptions about the availability of a car!
  24. http://local.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&amp...0&encType=1 There you go guys. If you're coming from the north you come off at 11, straight over the first roundabout, then services are on your right. Take the second entrance you'll see - the first is no entry. If you're coming from the south come off at 12, right at the roundabout at the bottom of the hill, under the motorway, left at the next one and the services are on your left just up the road. Bobs your uncle.
  25. Alan, you can let me know about the knee, but i'll let you get better first! Today's lunch time reading - what the hell a selector rod is. Drove my mum's 1.4 Civic today. The gearbox in it is lovely, nae clunks, nae notches, smooth throw. But the car's a bitch to heel and toe in.
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