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paul n

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Everything posted by paul n

  1. << sent em right back at ya Bob. >> And me Paul
  2. << 8 days to go..or is "Big sleeps"... >> Think it's only 7 and a bit big sleeps
  3. Manx International Web Site
  4. Sorry folks will be at the Rising Sun Show Debbie & Paul
  5. << Anyone from Yorkshire has to pay a tenner a month!!!!!! >> LOL
  6. Great piccies as usual Bob but you forgot 1 Apologies for the quality, taken on me phone Sorry couldn?t resist Paul
  7. << You will be JUST in time for 3 days PARTYING!!!!! >> May need a Manx massage after that as well M8 LOL Paul
  8. 1 Richard 2 Debbie 3 Danny 4 Paul Cheers Paul
  9. Excellent news Dave Dude Debbie says I'm not aloud anywhere near your motor when were on the rock, cost too much last time Paul
  10. Tis in the post Cheers Paul
  11. Richard, When do you want the balance & who do you want the cheque making payable to? Cheers Paul
  12. Evening Boss Dude, you coming to Scoobyfest, gonna be sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Paul
  13. << ONLY 21 big sleeps!!!!! >> Nearly time to account for the SMALL sleeps
  14. Best start saving me pennies Paul
  15. Pleased you had a good trip Richard dude Paul
  16. Looking good Dave dude Paul
  17. << Are you coming in July Paul? If so bring your wallet! >> Hi Bob take it you mean the Cads meet? not sure as it's the weekend before Scoobyfest, Deb says I've spent enough on toys, sorry accessories for this year Paul
  18. << << 34 Brain Paul >> Who's Brain >> Oops best put me brain in gear Sorry Brian, Paul
  19. Excellent news do they need anyone with an IT background or an accountant Paul
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