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paul n

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Everything posted by paul n

  1. Thanks Richard Will pass the message on tomorrow, he's gone out for his first (legal) pint
  2. No National Speed Limit on the IOM << It has just been announced that an all Island speed limit will not be introduced. It has not been ruled out entirely and they may try again in the future but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. >> Excellent news
  3. Richard, Hope your soon back on your feet dude, sure nurse Margy will look after you Debbie & Paul
  4. Have a good holiday Dave Paul
  5. Morning dudes, have a good weekend Andi Paul
  6. it's ok cos Richard told me to have a look
  7. Just been watching Richard and Margy on the web cam their at Stelvio pass sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Paul
  8. Happy birthday Margy, your majesty, 21 again Hope you have a great weekend in Milan and enjoy the Stelvio Pass See ya in a couple of weeks time Debbie, Paul, Rob & Danny
  9. << Had a nice hangover but it's just about gone now!q] May have one of those tomorrow Hope you get your motor sorted Paul
  10. Morning Dudes, how you all doing?
  11. << wine----ing good one how many 6 bottles,no scooby saving me lots of money on fuel bill.don't quit i need you out of my hair sometimes.put your dummy back in. >> That's you told m8 & I wouldn't argue with Margy Paul
  12. Hi Richard, Appreciate all your hard work with Scooby Fest it was terrific, we'll be back next year as I'm sure will most from Scooby Fest 2004 Hope the Scoob arrives soon Debbie & Paul
  13. Morning Dudes Happe Birthday to little Ste, hope you have a sweeeeet day
  14. Is it the Queens birthday soon?
  15. Dont forget the piccies Paul
  16. Nice pics Dave pleased you had a good trip Paul
  17. << Hope you all like good fresh italian food, >> Never tried Italian but looks like we will next year Don't really care as long as we manage our annual trip to Scooby Island & the bar's open << Sorry won't be joining you lot in 2005. >> Sorry you won't be joining us Bob but can understand your reasoning Paul
  18. Clicky Looking good Paul
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