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paul n

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Everything posted by paul n

  1. Evening Nick dude, going well M8, only problem is not had time to drive it recently, will have a run out at the weekend Hows yourself & the motor Paul
  2. Evening Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudes
  3. Terrapin Thought you wouldn't mind sharing since I share my husband (No 1 hero)
  4. She's a tart, Dave Dude ........
  5. << The 2004 Scoobyfest DVD is finished, 1 hour 35 mins including a slide show on the end , just having a few probs with burning.... >> Sounds good Rob
  6. Evening Dudes << Hows it going Paul dude...Have a man having a look at the roof today...I smell a lot of money coming out of my pocket..... >> Not going so bad M8, need to get 3 new ridge tiles for the garage, but not as bad as yours Paul
  7. Evening Dudes, how you all get your damage sorted OK Paul
  8. Hi Brian, Welcome to the forum, looking forward to meeting you Paul & Debbie
  9. Happy New Year Duuuuudes Paul
  10. Evening Dudes, Happy New Year to you all Ave a good un Debbie, Paul, Rob & Danny
  11. Evening Dudes, hope you all had a great Christmas Last night on call for me, pub tomorrow Paul
  12. Happy Birthday Andi dude & Happy Christmas to all on the Rock Debbie & Paul
  13. << Debbie, spiderman might make an appearance, just for you. >> I hope so, I always look forward to going to Scooby Island but this year will be even better That's always providing that Margey is willing to share her No 2 hero Debbie
  14. << And guess who ELSE has a birthday this year whilst on the rock, i wonder where we could go >> Go on then Richard, spill the beans, who's birthday is it? we won't tell anyone & know just the place to go Paul
  15. << You planning a trip over soon? You must be missing us as you have been away for nearly 4 months now >> Must admit to having withdrawal symptoms & yes missing you all, Debbie hasn't much leave left so may have to wait till July but will have a look in the new year & see what we can do Paul
  16. Evening Dudes << How did you guess!!! >>
  17. What a party we're going to have - Gordon's friend in a kilt & Ade in a spiderman outfit (see Southern santa Cruise photos) I can't wait Debbie
  18. Evening Dudes, how you all doing? << Afternoon dudes, from the Mount Murray Internet Cafe!!! (Just setting it up) >> somthing else for us to do at Scooby Fest LOL Paul
  19. Had a word with Rob & he's going to let us know over the next couple of weeks, so defiantly 3 possibly 4 of us
  20. Now let me think hmmmmmmmmmmmm Yep count us in please Debbie, Paul, Rob & Danny, will have to double check with Rob tomorrow, or should I say later today Cheers Paul
  21. Evening dudes, hows everyone on Scooby Island? Paul
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