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Everything posted by vicki

  1. Nice seats, but I would need someone standing by to help me out lol [:$]
  2. There are two Shell garages in Hamilton. One on Wellhall Road, near Phillips Factory and another on Low Waters Road up from Motorsport. Wellhall Road had optimax yesterday []
  3. Great photos Ed. I have yet to see a scooby all stickered up in the flesh. Yours looks good [] I am going to order my name sticker and Scotland flag (like yours) from sticker shop. Do you think it will look ok?
  4. Excellent videos [Y] I need a flamer kit to get worky van drivers to BACK OFF
  5. Who lost their hand in the preparation? Last pic lol
  6. Hello and Welcome [] As far as I am concerned it's when you see another scooby, get very excited in the build up to passing it, go scarlet, then wave like a maniac. I will calm down when I get used to it lol One day I passed one in the next street going over a ramp together very slowly, we both had windows down so didn't wave, just smiled. (I nearly said hiya [:$])
  7. lol you should see me washing my car, I have my jeans rolled up to my knees [] Sparkling Martin [Y]
  8. Nice pictures, nice cars [Y]
  9. Nice pictures Gareth. Your car looks amazing. I love shiny cars []
  10. Hello and Welcome [] Very nice car [Y]
  11. Best Wishes to you both [D] Not married but if I was I would expect to be in charge of the money (that's probably why I'm not married) [^o)] Have a great day []
  12. Why oh why? lol Do you think the theme was The Lion King? [8-)]
  13. I can sympathise with you there. Just got a dent fixed couple of weeks ago and now I have another. It is small, but still very, very annoying [:@] I think when a subaru is parked in a car park other drivers must say, oh I think I will park next to it, even if the car park is bl**dy empty. Thing is I have never, ever had a dink in any of my other cars in nearly 20 years [^o)] It makes me feel sick!!
  14. Your new car is gorgeous Imy, nice one [Y] I know wot you mean, I still can't drive mine [:$] lol
  15. The car has been in that garage since before Christmas. I popped in for a look months ago.
  16. A KB from the Savoy [] Where did you end up then [^o)]
  17. I'm quite keen on wagons now [^o)] Looks good in black
  18. Looks [H] and most importantly very shiny [Y]
  19. sounds like a good idea this makes me so [:@] and upset
  20. Have a nice time Davie []
  21. He always looks grumpy even when he's happy [*-)]
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