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Everything posted by vicki

  1. I have a new big dent in my driver door where some idiot has hit it a cracker [:'(] I have phoned acci-dent but the guy told me he does 90% trade work and I would lucky if he could fit me in as he works all over the country and I would need to go and meet him somewhere, sometime, which wasn't much help. I have tried body repair places but they said I would need a new door panel. Ok then [^o)] Could anyone recomend somewhere else please in Hamilton, Glasgow, EK or surrounding area or someone that could come to the house please? I don't know anywhere else. Thanks []
  2. Hello and Welcome Paul [] I am insured with Norwich Union and they didn't require a tracker, but they are a good idea. I am waiting for a email back from Keith Michaels with a quote, have been for days!
  3. Stu, I bought my car from S&S and didn't have any problems. They are very helpful and I was happy with the service [Y]
  4. Bet its because its a scooby [:^)] I am just waiting to get stopped any day now for mine!
  5. Hello and Welcome Derek and Gannochy [] Also Jamie Mc and Ross Mc (brothers) [] Gorgeous car Ross [Y] So much info in one thread [8-)]
  6. What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Wait for it I smell carrotts!! [:$]
  7. Hamilton is a winter wonderland with 4/5inches of snow []
  8. She is gorgeous, a right wee cutie pie [] Car's nearly the same size as her lol
  9. Funny how he didn't give anyone else a ticket [^o)] I was going to go out to him, but he was bigger than me!! Dougster, sorry I missed you [:'(] I was parked at MFI so no-one would dink my door lol
  10. Excellent Frank, good news and relief eh? [Y] Try "Quote me Happy"
  11. Parked right outside with SIDC tax disc holder and a wee present on windscreen from car park mafia. I was inside stuffing my face []
  12. Davie (Corsa) [] Nice to meet you, will toot when I drive up that road from now on, until I get done with harrassment []
  13. OMG Imy, you won't believe me, but I was thinking the same LOL [] Then starting thinking we could all live in the one big house [] We can build a granny flat for Stephen []
  14. I'll have one and Imy will have one []
  15. Looks a bit like a Persimmon Home, we shall await confirmation [8-)]
  16. You must be delighted to get it back on the road. Nice car and OMG even nicer house [Y]
  17. Dan, what about a sierra cosworth? Guy across the street from me had a D reg, lightish blue one, well looked after, and it was amazing.
  18. Nightmare Stephen. I would go for the easier option and pay the fine and accept the points. Just try not to get any more.
  19. Keep phoning around Michael. Fingers crossed you get a good quote. You love your car too much!
  20. Of course we give two hoots, your a fellow scooby owner and some of us do care. Enjoy your break and return soon. Vicki ps enjoyed your pimping [Y]
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