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Everything posted by vicki

  1. Got my dent in driver door fixed today. Car is good as new again. Thanks to Andy (Oobster) for recommending Stephen. First class job [Y] I'm happy again []
  2. And another [Y] Was extremely happy with the service I received and I may add, continue to receive []
  3. Kids eh? Don't ya just luv um? In my street they all come round my back garden on their bikes, past my car, which is in the drive. One day I am going to shout so loud at them to watch my car, they will probably get such a fright they will fall right onto it lol. Won't be laughing if that happens [:|]
  4. That is one gorgeous car. The first picture looks amazing [Y]
  5. I am getting a scorpion stainless steel one when my origional one snaps, which I hope is soon lol
  6. Wow that is a really nice car [Y] It's gleaming []
  7. Chris, you must be raging [:@] Why cant people just be a bit more careful? They usually let their kids throw doors open and don't give a monkeys. This makes me mad [8o|] While I am ranting on, why is it everyone drives right up my a$$?? [^o)]
  8. John you live just along the road from me. What colours your car so I can watch out for you and wave? [Y]
  9. Thanks John, keeping all these numbers in my Scooby address book []
  10. What are you up to Chris? [^o)] Thanks for the info, will be keeping all this for future reference, although I hope I don't need it again.
  11. Hello John and Welcome. Its like going from snail [sn] to cheetah [Y] (kinda)
  12. Thanks Paul, will keep you in mind [Y]
  13. All I can say is, its worth it []
  14. Andy that would be brilliant, thanks [Y]
  15. Iain, it just happened after your car got keyed [:@] It does make you just want to sell it and buy an old banger. If I don't get it fixed soon I may drown in my own tears [:'(]
  16. I fill my tank which holds £44 and I get 220 miles [:|] Mine isn't a WRX though its a Classic.
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