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Everything posted by vicki

  1. Sharon JC's giving his away lol
  2. PMSL, I don't really know what I was doing it for [:$]
  3. lol ok, 50p and that includes postage []
  4. [:'(] noooo, I wanted to be the only person with one!
  5. my 20 pence piece [<)] Was just checking my change and noticed it [:|] Its an Isle of Man 1999 one. For sale now with starting price of 20p lol
  6. Wow you have nice neighbours [Y] my neighbours would probably watch out the window laughing as I drove over them [:^)] What idiot would do that to you, a jealous one [:@]
  7. I got Shell Helix Plus 10W-40. It was £22.49 [] Baseball cap is crackin []
  8. Can't believe I missed you [^o)] Hello and Welcome [Y]
  9. I have something to post about except "hello and welcome" lol Got a new side light for my car today due to a stone hitting it at what looks like 200mph due to the size of the hole [:|] Forgot my SIDC membership card so didn't get my discount [:'(] Will be going to the dealer that knows I'm a member in future [] Then treated the car to some new oil from the Shell garage and got myself a ferrari baseball cap free. I can't resist a freebie. I now have a pirelli one and a ferrari one in my collection. Need a subaru one now.
  10. Hello and Welcome [] [H] car [Y]
  11. Happy Birthday Davie [<)] A fellow Gemini []
  12. Hello and Welcome to SIDC and the Forum []
  13. Hello and Welcome to SIDC [] Hmmmmmmm, yellow, gorgeous [Y]
  14. I have only heard good things about the place. Never used it myself tho!
  15. Hi Gus, sorry to hear your sad news. Thinking about you []
  16. Hello and Welcome to SIDC []
  17. Hi Drew [] Welcome to SIDC
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