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Everything posted by vicki

  1. Well done Stephen [Y] I'm sure you wil do a great job. I touch goats []
  2. Noooooooooooooooooo [:'(]
  3. You're probably there by now [8-)] Enjoy tho []
  4. It's lashing down in Hamilton [] Just as well I am off to London on Monday, to sweat to death []
  5. Nearly forgot ..... I used to play with Stephen Wright too. We used to have to coax him to come out to play lol His aunt stays next door to my mum [] Edited to say .... I should have been a footballers wife []
  6. [Y] Just caught the end of that game there.
  7. You can say that again!! Last night was the warmest night yet. I eventually got a sleep but was woke up a couple of hours later by my neighbours, who were assembling garden furniture at 8.30am [] No wonder I am moving.
  8. I am off to London on Monday, hope it's still on []
  9. Hello and Welcome Mark [] Enjoy the car and the club []
  10. I am taking my car to S&S on Friday to get mine checked out. I have a smell of wee wee in the car when I first put it on [] Not going to attempt the DIY version
  11. I used to play with Paul when we were wee [] no slagging him off, he's lovely lol Mainly his sisters tho. His gran and mine were neighbours. More claims to fame... Davie Coopers mum and dad used to stay two down from my old house and his dad waved to me every morning when I left for work [Y]
  12. Ok, I'll bring Meet the Parents and Uncle Buck too [Y]
  13. Excellent [Y] I want one [:'(]
  14. Good decision Davie [Y] I have yet to match the feeling I get when I sit behind my wheel and drive off. Mmmmmm []
  15. Enjoy Cal [] Best Wishes to you and your wife to be. Your honeymoon looks amazing [Y]
  16. Hi Dougie and Welcome [] I nearly missed you, not been logged in for couple of days. Enjoy the forum, you'll get a laugh []
  17. Awwwww Stephen, I will chauffer you about if you want .... for a small fee lol
  18. Not got many pictures of mine yet. But here's one of my car which is ok and a couple of others I like. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f363/vic...on/IMAG0018.jpg http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f363/vic...uWRX_ZTi_tn.jpg http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f363/vic.../pinksubaru.jpg [] edited .... a variety of sizes of photos lol .... whats happening?
  19. Yes Stephen, my manky car was parked at the end of the Council car park. That is my very own space over the zig zags. Back to my part time job after 6 days off and decided to take the rest of the week off, cos i was tired lol
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