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Everything posted by vicki

  1. Hello Nikki and Welcome to SIDC [] I have managed not to mod my car (apart from tinting the windows and pink badge) but every now and again I think, what can I do to make this a little bity faster [^o)] lol Enjoy.
  2. http://eu.goodyear.com/uk_en/tires/reposit...SD3_2/index.jsp Some info
  3. Since it's late I will post this .... A guy I know found a parrott in his garden and all it could say is "Ur an ugly b*****d" Was it yours?
  4. Hello and Welcome to SIDC Barry [] Your not that far away from me, so watch out for me at Mackinnon Mills [] [:$]
  5. Hello and Welcome Fraser. Some nice photos you have there. Your car looks a tad like mine []
  6. Can't believe I nearly missed this [] Fantastic Imy and extremely funny [Y]
  7. Nice one Andy [Y] Went to London by bus last week and got a good look in all the cockpits. Its amzing what you can do at the wheel. Eat, drink, read maps, newspapers, magazines, text, phone and even .... do a crossword [] I couldn't believe my eyes!! Not tarring all drivers with the same brush, so don't fall out with me [:'(]
  8. Life ain't fair [] Take care Chris []
  9. Hello and Welcome to SIDC [] When I am in Edinburgh I will hunt you down and come in and say hello [6]
  10. Hello and Welcome Chris [] Your car looks mint [Y]
  11. I was all excited there when it said they found 2 group photos and 1 single one of me. You trickster lol
  12. This day out starts at 11am. I will probably nip along for a shot on the bouncy castle []
  13. Was in London this week on holiday and took a couple of pictures of cakes [:$] The women were sitting in the window making them. http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f363/vic.../Photo-0107.jpg http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f363/vic.../Photo-0106.jpg
  14. Hello Jamie and Welcome to SIDC []
  15. Hello and Welcome to SIDC Forum []
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