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Everything posted by jd

  1. going to lou's tomorrow to sort out, will then post times etc
  2. i would assume so, you meeting at exeter then p.
  3. oh god, no hope for me is there
  4. in the car park, well away from....................................the road
  5. not a pro, practising amateur
  6. that would mean going backwards LOL
  7. in hand eh eh eh nudge nudge wink wink
  8. jd


    welcome to sidc
  9. jd


    glad you had a good night.
  10. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ARAGORN-LORD-OF-THE-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  11. APS but will need the maf rescaled and remapped to suit, got one for sale.
  12. i have been entered for this by my wife.
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