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Everything posted by jd

  1. went there many years ago.................cant remember much, was a guns n roses concert. behave lou
  2. cheers, hopefully moved in by end of month
  3. good for us too, found a house so invasion starts soon.
  4. May be interested in coming up from south devon if no clashes with anything.
  5. welcome to the south west regions
  6. jd


    think about us poor RO's getting up earlier
  7. nice, cant wait for the AST for mine
  8. surely they should be sending the request themselves otherwise anyone could be asking for others to be removed.
  9. jd

    JD off-line.

    will be packing up house.
  10. jd

    JD off-line.

    we are across from good friday for a week.
  11. jd

    JD off-line.

    cheers, got to find a place yet. LOL
  12. jd

    JD off-line.

    thanks Jaqs. gonna be a very hectic few weeks.
  13. excellent, sit me in the corner with a bottle of red & a burger.
  14. As some of you may be aware, my wife & I are re-locating from Guernsey to South Devon in the next few weeks. Therefore, I will be mainly off-line for a while. Should anyone need to contact me, please forward you request to Scooby Princess who will pass on anything to me in the meantime. I hope to see many new faces in the near future. Steve
  15. we cant make this jaqs.....soon though.
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