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Everything posted by jd

  1. South: 6:45am Novotel, Marsh Mills, Plymouth 1 jaminrat / louiserat convoy leader - p150 fta 2 subaru 3 flash 4 dean 5 legacy mark 6 possibly duracell North: 6:00am Sedgemore Services, M5 Southbound 1 r11ken 7:00am Exeter Services, M5 - meet at bottom of car park in lorry/coach bay. 1 parker 2 monkip1 3 jd 4 tidge 5 trix 6 scoobtastic can anyone who is coming please let us all know where you will be meeting us and we can add you to the lists
  2. These are LEAVING times from the meeting points. South: 6:45am Novotel, Marsh Mills, Plymouth North: 6:00am Sedgemore Services, M5 Southbound 7:00am Exeter Services, M5 - meet at botom of car park in lorry/coach bay. These times will be stuck to as we intend on getting into Newton Abbot early to enable setting up. Once into the show ground, DO NOT leave your vehicle unattended until the show is open to the general public as we may require the vehicles to be moved about.
  3. you need to meet my wife lol, she allowed all the new mods.
  4. there should be drill buffing pads at any good diy shop.
  5. he didnt force them down your neck, did he?
  6. nonono that evidence isnt circumstantial, have video proof.
  7. or they can ask for me, i will be there.
  8. only if you are good.
  9. would you like a sweetie?
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