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Everything posted by jd

  1. was an excellent day! roll on Taunton
  2. no car so you are safe...........this time
  3. well done jaqs. dinner on you on sat then?
  4. didnt realise we were meeting up on sat night LOL
  5. to much whoring, cant be assed
  6. I assume you have all the passes jaqs?
  7. please read this is for every ones attention: the above times are LEAVING times from the meeting points, we have given plenty of time to get between points. all cars will be met at the gate and directed to the stand where you will be met by another member of staff who will inform you where to park whilst the stand is being set up. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CAR UNTIL THE STAND IS COMPLETED!
  8. probably, but new company car on way
  9. they can clean my car.........................of down plymouth for them then
  10. depends on what you are wiping the car with LOL
  11. sedgemore is the meeting place, any others will have to join in without the convoy stopping.
  12. cool, just need a car now
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