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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. congrats Craig, Sasha and baby girl Ava Violet wishing you all the best [D] [^] [{]
  2. nope, i really do like the hatchback. Smaller cars are easier for me to drive. but with all these things, pictures dont really do much without being able to see them in the flesh.
  3. aye good meet. must have been a strange sight seeing 14 scoobs do a 3 point turn on a fairly narrow road [8-)] was giggling like crazy following Jac cyp_rock - the pops and bangs from his car were great and faintly rally-car sounding. Pleased I still had midge cream in the car from last month's BBQ but the place was teeming with them.
  4. nah, dont like it. prefer the hatchback [] []
  5. holy moly had to read that twice just to take it all in [] glad you got away safely and stopped the police. its shocking how organised it seemed and its frightening that they got close enough to hit the window. pleased you're ok, hope the police catch them soon. i'll look out for the classic when i'm out, i sometimes head out that way Take care out there folks
  6. congratulations to the mum and dad. Tamara is a lovely name []
  7. you're a fussy git [] take the £40 and spend it on
  8. nice one dale. i know that giddy feeling you get when you eventually get the wheels you've wanted for ages on your car [<)]
  9. welcome to the forum, nice wagon there [] never heard scoobies referred to as a tin can with en engine before... i think u'll find that we drive and mod our "tin cans" with love on here
  10. Gordyq (Borders) is rebuilding his car and he also doesnt have regular internet access Its looking like the named ROs for Highlands and Tayside are no longer active anymore. if members within these 2 regions dont want to volunteer themselves/nominate someone, I reckon we should open this to our forum and nominate someone within these 2 regions. It can probably done privately via PM to the committee if needed ... It will be a shame to lose ROs in each region, Scottish Scoobies has grown a lot over the past 2 years and ROs help keep things ticking along
  11. hoorah indeed! you made it there and back in one piece [] [] [<)]
  12. car mats pedal covers radiator cap SWRT goodies (clothing, wallet, brolly, bag)
  13. another vote for Chameleon here. they refurbed my 4 gold alloys as well as fixing the one that was buckeled (sp?). Left the wheels with them for a week. They did a fab job and i believe that it really helped me sell the wheels + alloys within 24 hours of advertising [] got my SIDC discount too [Y]
  14. excellent news Jac. Pleased to hear that the car is back on the road after your wee mishap at the June run [] Happy driving [au]
  15. welcome to the forum. cant say much about the wagon you've seen but recommend doing your homework and not rushing into buying the first car you see. Walk away from cars that don't quite feel right to you... scoobs are expensive to repair when they go bang. I spent a lot of time looking before buying my car but its worth the hassle to get a solid car... CLICKY for my story in buying my scoob []
  16. welcome to the forum stunning classics there [H]
  17. what a lovely post [{] glad to hear that you've had a nice time and that no-one's put you off scoobies LoL
  18. stunning pics. did you wash the cars at Edinburgh Park before the shoot? They are all gleaming []
  19. nice pics James. that fog was weird, wasnt it? the way it just silently covered everything and then dissappeared [*-)]
  20. ah, thought i recognise those morette clusters! I was on way home, just finished the Race for Life in Stirling and lunch at my friends house (she stays in Callander). Couldnt really enjoy the back roads as there were a lot of sunday drivers sitting at 50 on a 70 mph country twisties and oncoming traffic every time we got to a straight [:|] Also got a flash and nod from a P1 near Glasgow.
  21. he's going to enjoy the fruits of his labour and be happy with the power that he's got.... looking good Simon [Y] hope you have fun and trouble-free driving *touch wood*
  22. I think we named our haggis Jimmy and Jenny edit - hope the ladies got their shoes and trousers dried ok - now you see why I said bring walking boots [8-|]
  23. aye it was a good night. was a bit iffy whether the rain will go away when we arrived but it held off and the barbies got fired up. the scenery was stunning and there was an eerie moment when the mist rolled in and hid the lower part of the mountain - but it seemed to lift when st3ph3n revved his car. everyone brought plenty of food (eh nanaki? []) but seemed to forget tomato sauce! Luckily we brought some with us and passed it around. it was nice to see everyone talking to everyone else, I dont think there were people standing on their own... Ally seemed to be having fun hunting the haggis and there was a classic moment when i said to him "why dont you check the exhausts of the cars? I dont think they will find any in mine cos its isnt big enough!" and he was like "way ahead of you and yes, yours is big enough!" and showed me the picture LoL heard a big bang, looked over and wasnt surprised to see Squirrel in the thick of things. Knew immediately what was going on when I saw Jac and Jimser rolling about laughing, as I know they carry methanol. It was a stupid thing to do but at least no one got hurt and were standing back from the bbq. Had a nice wee blat on the way home with jac and garyD (pleased that grant was driving tho) - finished off the night superbly. will post pics tomorrow - out on sauce tonight so wont have time to transfer them from camera [D]
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