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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. Sorry to hear that! As per my earlier post on the other thread Andy, re comment J W Autos (ring me in case of need). As far as claiming is concerned even if your premium doesn't go up you'll loose a "life" and bearing in mind any excess you'd probably be better off paying it yourself and not claiming. Get a quote from J W Autos 1st and then decide.
  2. Liverpool had some closed this AM but they were open again in the PM
  3. If this fuel crisis escalates I'll be coming on my bike!
  4. Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 Dan the WRXMan X ? Rasher X ? J5 X ? Wagon Wheels X 1 Andy X ? ooops!
  5. 8 minutes for £3.50 Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Having said that in rush hour it could have been a lot more and believe me the views are nicer!
  6. 20th November but as advised by email places are limited so get your names down for this CADS only event! So far I've got: Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 Dan the WRXMan X ? Rasher X ? J5 X ? Wagon Wheels X 1
  7. << I am afraid it was my next door neighbours best mate, they had been friends for over 30 years. Jeff was out with him when it happened >> 'kin 'ell a bit close to home!
  8. IIRC Warby had his paint work done @ Autocenter, Unit 5, Regal Industrial Estate, Gorton Road, West Gorton, Manchester M12 5DY Ask for Alan Locke 0161 223 5335. Alternately try J W Autos, Forth Street, Liverpool, ask for John Austin 0151 922 5072 I've had work done there (Insurance Approved Bodyshop) and its always been top quality, if you book in advance you can usually get a courtesy car too. Are you coming to the CADS meets John? Whereabouts are you based?
  9. No Rob not the Coverdale road but sad nevertheless!
  10. Hope she doesn't see your post Col
  11. Rob obviously doesn't approve of Matt joining the Masons!
  12. Colin, Aren't you bringin' the family?
  13. Welcome to the CADS Steve see you tomorrow!
  14. Blue Boy X 3 Warby X 1 Jez X 1 Mean & Green X 3? Rasher X ???
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