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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. << Iam still coming with a big suprise >> Not that big I think!
  2. Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 Dan the WRXMan X ? Rasher X 2 J5 X 4 Wagon Wheels X 1 Andy X 4 Warby X 2 Mark Atkinson X ? LeeScoob X ? Littlh x 1 Chrismaz5 X 5 Bluebotle X 3 Jenni X 1 Sorted Lee
  3. Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 Dan the WRXMan X ? Rasher X 2 J5 X 4 Wagon Wheels X 1 Andy X 4 Warby X 2 Mark Atkinson X ? LeeScoob X ? Littlh x 1 Chrismaz5 X 5 Bluebotle X 2 Jenni X 1
  4. Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 Dan the WRXMan X ? Rasher X 2 J5 X ? Wagon Wheels X 1 Andy X 4 Warby X ? Mark Atkinson X ? LeeScoob X ? Littlh x 1 Chrismaz5 X 5 Bluebotle X 2 Jenni X 1 Can those who haven't responded to me PLEASE do so!
  5. Totally confused now Mate/ Is Nige travelling with you in your car?
  6. Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 Dan the WRXMan X ? Rasher X 2 J5 X ? Wagon Wheels X 1 Andy X 4 Warby X ? Mark Atkinson X ? LeeScoob X ? Littlh x 1 Chrismaz5 X 5 Bluebotle X 2 Jenni X 1 Rasher X ??????????????
  7. Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 Dan the WRXMan X ? Rasher X 2 J5 X ? Wagon Wheels X 1 Andy X 4 Warby X ? Mark Atkinson X ? LeeScoob X ? Littlh x 1 Chrismaz5 X 5 Bluebotle X 2 Jenni X 1 Sorry to learn that Chris If you can make it let me know!
  8. 18th December Paul, pity you can't make Novembers.
  9. Please confirm numbers as soon as possible by email. The lunch stop gets very busy so we need to give them numbers!
  10. Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 Dan the WRXMan X ? J5 X ? Wagon Wheels X 1 Andy X ? Warby X ? Mark Atkinson X ? LeeScoob X ? Chrisp X 1 Littlh x 1 Chrismaz5 X 5 Bluebotle X 2 Jenni X 1
  11. No problem Nige. I just need to know the number of CADS cars going at this stage as the limit is 15 (where we are now) and I've got at least another potential. So I'll take you off the list and ask Pete to include your numbers as passengers with him for catering purposes. Trust that's OK.
  12. Can I ask anyone who isn't going to make this event and has their name down , this includes not travelling in your own car but with another CAD, to let me know as soon as possible as it might mean I refuse someone else the opportunity to attend when they could come
  13. Right I've sent an email to those of you that have put your name down. Basically there are two meeting points and I've sent a different email to each of you dependant upon the most convenient meeting point for you. Please also note I need numbers of Adults & Kids eating / or not eating as soon as possible. PLEASE EMAIL ME WITH THE NUMBERS.
  14. Anymore??? Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 Dan the WRXMan X ? Rasher X 2 J5 X ? Wagon Wheels X 1 Andy X ? Warby X ? Mark Atkinson X ? LeeScoob X ? Chrisp X 1 Littlh x 1 Chrismaz5 X 5 Bluebotle X 2 Jenni X 1
  15. We will not be meeting @ the SA I will email all attendees nearer the time.
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