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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. << Some of was Top Shelf.......... >> missed that!
  2. << The camera work is top draw Danny >> Top Shelf would have been better!!!!!!
  3. There are some things best done at a measured pace J!
  4. As well as details of forthcoming and past event. Perhaps the newsletter too
  5. Steve, I think it should incorporate the CADS logo, Members Gallery, Application form and Clothing Order form
  6. Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 Dan the WRXMan X ? Rasher X ? J5 X ? Wagon Wheels X 1 Andy X ? Warby X ? Mark Atkinson X ? LeeScoob X ? Chrisp X 1 Littlh x 1 May be able to squeeze in one or 2 more if you are a CAD & interested email me.
  7. Let's not forget Andy who's TV it was!
  8. Start 10.00 hrs PROMPT @ the SA. Treasure Hunt entry fee £10.00 towards club funds, there will be a Subaru related prize for the winner! Important you post if you are coming as I will need to prepare sufficient entry packs. Names so far: Mean and Green Andy Leesccob Warby J5 DantheWRXMan Acko Post you name to avoid disappointment as we won't be finishing where we start You'll need a navigator! and kids are welcome.
  9. Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 Dan the WRXMan X ? Rasher X ? J5 X ? Wagon Wheels X 1 Andy X ? Warby X ? Mark Atkinson X ? LeeScoob X ? Chrisp X 1 1 place left if demand exceeds supply I may be able to squeeze one or two more on so please get your name down asap.
  10. Imports have always been better specd that Uk models in the past.
  11. Pete can you let us know what connections are required? I'll get in touch with management and ok useage of their electricity How long's the vid?
  12. Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 Dan the WRXMan X ? Rasher X ? J5 X ? Wagon Wheels X 1 Andy X ? Warby X ? Mark Atkinson X ? places are going fast 3 left!
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