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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. << Then at 2000 miles I spanked it!! >> And hasn't stopped since................. eh Nige!!!!!! Angela, You'd be most welcome at a CADS Meet suggest you look in the CADS Forum Section. Email me @ rome26@blueyonder.co.uk and I'll email you maps, directions and info. Bob
  2. Ronnie Jones (No relation) the Director of Willow Tyres Crosby Limited has offered to give CADS Members discounts on tyres (amount dependent upon particular tyre) on production of their Membership Card. Contact Details are: Ronnie Jones, Willow Tyres Crosby Limited, Willow House, Mersey View, Crosby, Liverpool, L22 6QA. Telephone: 0151 931 3104 Fax: 0151 286 9654 Mobile: 07747 783158. I've always found him very competitive and he's always done a good job. If you need tyres it's worth a phone call.
  3. Welcome Where abouts are you the North West covers a large area Suggest you enable your profile.
  4. << i bet he has sneaked into one of those internet cafe's >> Rob I'm ashamed of you! In Ireland they are Internet Pubs!!!!!!!!
  5. Nige Nostell Priory is a stately home! A Map doesn't help in Ireland M8!
  6. << But thats not too difficult >> Anymore comments like that and its not only the newbie title that you'll loose!
  7. Shock horror!!! I'll be doing about 1000 over the next 2 weeks on Irish Roads! Perhaps that's why it's got so many stone chips!
  8. << was he that despeate for cash................. >> I was also desperate for cash! Always!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Don't be silly Pete it means driving his Scoob more than 12 miles!
  10. << Yes, but to be fair you did lock the door and stop us leaving until we paid!! >> Blabber Mouth!!!!!!
  11. << Who do you mean by CADS???????? people at the meet, or paid up members?????????? >> One in the same J everyone there joined up!
  12. Hope you do We'd be sorry to "loose" you!
  13. Nice Pics Colin next thing get them in the thread
  14. Rob I sent it to Nige's email address as per his Membership Form
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