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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. Blue Boy X 3 Rasher X 4 ZippyEFC X ? Warby X ? Lee X ? Chrisp X 1 Chrismaz5 X 5 J5 X 4 Great News look forward to meeting you..............you can tell Nige how to replace his reflectors!
  2. Q]So who has a "fair organ"??? >> All the CADS but we don't use them for playing tunes![
  3. << Are we Vintage, classic or commercial? >> I'm Vintage not sure about you though Chris!
  4. Blue Boy X 3 Rasher X 4 ZippyEFC X ? Warby X ? Lee X ? Chrisp X 1 Chrismaz5 X 5
  5. Calling All CADS! There is a possibility that we will be offered stand space at the Halton Fair Organ & Vintage Rally to be held on the week end of 24th & 25th September at Victoria Park Widnes. At this stage I am just trying to gauge interest and get names of those who are prepared to be on a stand (probably just the Sunday) as I will need to have an idea of numbers if the organisers can offer us space, which I will know by mid July. It is important that I have your details now as I will need an Entry Form, which will need to be lodged with the organisers by the 1st August to qualify for a brass plaque (see photos) for the members who exhibit. Believe me the plaques are very heavy and measure approx 9cms. Places will initially be limited to paid up CADS members with a maximum of 12 cars so it?s important that you put your name down as soon as possible. So it will tie in nicely with the July CADS Meet where you will be able to join the re-launched CADS. Blue Boy X 1
  6. Blue Boy X 3 Rasher X 4 ZippyEFC X ? Warby X ? Lee X ? Chrisp X 1 << tell us more!! >> Nah! You'll have to wait!
  7. There will be a free gift for the first 15 Adults & 4 children to post attendance who attend on the day
  8. Blue Boy X 3 Rasher X 4 ZippyEFC X ? Warby X ? Lee X ?
  9. Right! Blue Boy X 3 Rasher X 4 ZippyEFC X ? Warby X ? Any more?
  10. Sunday 17th July @ 1200 hrs @ The SA. Following long discussions and suggestions from various people we will be launching a "new" CADS so please try to make the effort to attend.
  11. << Well no I haven't but I do look in the CADS section most days even if I don't post. But in the case of the NBO it would have made no difference, because there was nothing in the thread to say there would be a CADS stand or any meeting points etc etc. >> That's true Andy but we only fouynd out on the Thursday night we could have a stand and we were limited to 4/5 cars, so it was a matter of getting those who could supply bits at short notice.
  12. Thanks for the comments CADS! Rob and I (the only attendees at the meet) had a good discussion and although it probably didn't seem like it on this thread are in fact singing from the same hymn sheet. We will be forming a committee, of longstanding CADS, to formalise the membership and running of the CADS and so we can afford to buy some CADS car stickers etc, and will be encouraging members to join the SIDC as well. Rob has come up with some good suggestions for "events" lets hope he gets the support from members. Picking up Andy's comment re not knowing have you set your profile so you're emailed when anything is posted in the CADS section M8. Just don't subscribe to a thread as well as you'll get 2 emails I would encxourage every CAD to come to the next meeting as we are keen to take matters forward without losing the current friendly atmosphere. Please free to PM me if you have any questions.
  13. << 309 views and 52 replies. >> Another indication of indifference??? Sorry to be such a cynic but after putting in considerable effort to organise events, for little or no response you tend to develop the air of cynisism
  14. << Bob cant do it on his own, no-one can. >> See Here reference to "with the help of other members"
  15. << Where do you see the CADS going from here, or more precisely, how would you like to see it go? >> More along the lines of the LADS, Membership fee, car stickers, more use of clothing, dependant upon numbers presentations by suppliers etc, and anything what members want
  16. We can only atttend what there is! As we do! << driving, such as treasure hunts. >> Derbyshire tour? Treasure hunt? Nice of you to volunteer to organise one! << AND THERE IS NO NEED TO START USING TERMS SUCH AS "WTF" IS THERE BOB! >> Depends if you are sitting where I am and people are just griping but not offering solutions, at the end of the day you can't hold a gun to people's heads to participate! Don't get me wrong Rob I appreciate where you are coming from and your participation but you canonly suggest events you can't press gang people!
  17. WTF to you want to happen at the meet????????
  18. << whats my problem...i travel 44 miles to do what...eat a pub dinner...i can do that in my home town. >> But you are with fellow enthusiasts of the Scooby and can chat! << we need to start doing something to organise things. >> What do you want? Everything we've organised has been poorly supported! << i even brought videos and svcd's of our scooby exploits and something to watch em on, but was anybody interested in watchin em....nope. >> The fact that you went to that trouble is commendable, but the fact that no one was interested must tell you something!........................my point exactly!!!!!!!
  19. << just out of curiosity...how many Cads members are members of the Sidc....it should be all of em in my opinion >> To my mind Rob that statement implies that you want non SIDC members to be excluded from CADS. As I have stated before the general apathy for whatever reason towards events that we have tried to organise is outstanding! Track Day Go Karting Derbyshire Tour & meet with Midland Scoobies 2 weekends away @ British Rally Championship events. Off Road Day Tractor Pulling Santa Cruise............was poorly attended with only a few of us attending The NBO wasn't well attended by CADS either although our last minute stand was up with the best its a pity we didn't know about the competition for best club stand and a couple of us left before the judging and partly dismantled the stand...........there is always next year by which time I'm hopeful we will be better prepared. If you've got any suggestions for events then I'm willing to listen and give you all the support I can.
  20. If you want to discuss owt you know my phone number Rob
  21. What's your problem Rob?? You keep going on about SIDC and CADS does it matter at the end of the day if we have a mix ie SIDC and non SIDC Members?
  22. Surely we should be using CADS to gain new SIDC members not excluding non SIDC from the outset
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