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blue boy

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Everything posted by blue boy

  1. << hes got your name down on the "to" list Nigel, not changed addresses have you.? >> Eh?
  2. << Gave the camera to our oldest lad, expecting him to take pics of all of them! >> Phew the Fiver I gave him not to photograph the Primera was worth it!
  3. << dont drag me into it, at least I had an excuse about the weather, yours just doesnt cut any ice >> Rubbish I was sacrificing driving the Scoob for the sake of my fellow CADS..............you on the other hand just don't it getting wet!
  4. Change to the 2nd Sunday as on the 3rd we will be @ Tatton! Venue .Changed to The Rising Sun Event @ Nostell Priory nr Wakefield Please post if you're coming both here and on the Rising Sun Thread (link below). Blue Boy X 3 Mean and Green X 3 J5 X 4 DantheWRXMan X 4 Warby X ? Rasher X ? Paul N X 3 Nostell Priory Rising Sun SIDC Link I've spoken to Muddy and we can have our CADS stuff up, but no need for a Gazebo as he'll have the SIDC Marque, as well as the SIDC Banner & Flag. We will need to be there by about 0900 hrs and pay the admission fee of £6.00 per person (under 14's free) £4.00 if prebooked see link to Rising Sun Posting.
  5. Anyone from Yorkshire has to pay a tenner a month!!!!!!
  6. Suspected I was being got! At least I had a valid excuse the stand wouldn't fit...........not that I didn't want to get my car wet......like Rasher on occassion. BTW Can't open it!
  7. Sorry most had disappeared before I got the camera out!
  8. Glad you enjoyed yourself ..............hope the wife and kids did as well. Welcome to the CADS. << I want an S202! >> Don't we all?????
  9. looking forward to meeting you idc Lee
  10. Blue Boy X 3 Rasher X 4 Warby X 2 Lee X 1 Chrisp X 1 Chrismaz5 X 5 J5 X 4 mean&green x 3 Paul N x 3 Jez X 1 Andy x 1 Any more?
  11. Don't know if he's SIDC, but you don't have to be to be a CAD although it is encouraged!
  12. Yes but @ Newcastle although I go to Widnes. Widnes wasn't a Subaru dealer when I got my car
  13. Doubt it, what makes you think so?
  14. Not me Andrea but why not come to the CADS meet on Sunday??? Should be a good turn out, and you're only down the road.
  15. Pete there appears to be a lot of babies about.............be careful M8!
  16. << but I could be persuaded >> Not my type !
  17. << But not as hot as I was on Saturday night, went to a fancy dress, as "the only gay in the village" in red PVC shorts, top and calf length black leather boots! But I'm not circulating the photo's of that event! >> Post 'em!!!!!!
  18. Have a word with Prosport Pete J perhaps you can arrange to do regassing work for him.
  19. << The four main components of a system are; compressor, condenser, let down valve and evaporator. >> Thermostat???
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