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Everything posted by andrew_lally

  1. hahahahhaha.....im taking the MR2 on again....nightmare trying to set up the camcorder facing backwards in such a small car!!! But that the only way we gonna get some footage of the "White snail racing teams XR2-T".....hahaha Rusty will be up in the red rocket!!!! big Davy lightbudy will be up in our old cavy!!!....(Racing debut) Scott (Superstar dj) will be up in a highly tuned pug 205 hahahahaha look forward to seeing you all up there!!!!!!!!!! cheers andy
  2. 316 odds ma best so far......very funny
  3. how much you needing for it mate????...pm me if poss
  4. lassies!!!!
  5. i will take the free pads hahahahhahaha
  6. what you want to swap for it dude???.....i got a scrap yard so got plenty goodies!!! what you need???
  7. Go home turncoat!!!! hahahahahhaha welcome mate.....bring some of the english ladies for us to practise on and your in!!!! hahahahhahah
  8. whos going?????? really looking forward to new track layout!!!
  9. lessels you nutter ha ha ha.....few wee mods on the old rwd MR2 that might give you a little surprise mate!!! and i believe "taking the conversation i had with your AL into consideration" my balls are much bigger than yours hahaha duffus entry speeds supposed to be 20mph higher......oooooooooooooooooo gonna be interesting....hope they dont cancel due to icy conditions!!! take it easy lads andy.........
  10. do the red sti intake manifolds flow any better or offer any performance advantage ie larger throttle body??? anybody know??? cheers andy
  11. was the legacy turbo'd mate...if so i will take /trade that!!!
  12. how much mate
  13. you interested in a swap for a MR2 mate......no mot or tax but has full service history....one very carefull owner....never thrashed or bashed very clean example of a rapidly becoming classic 2 seater sports car!!!! let me know asap!!!!!!!
  14. got £200 sitting if the other bloke dont take it mate
  15. they aint much dearer new!!!
  16. hahahahhhah....think i just pissed myself!!!!
  17. hot hatch on sunday zeo so im going to have to miss another of you organised meets mate cheers andy
  18. have you still got the avcr mate i will give you what you want for it let me know asap andy.......
  19. very interested......how much is sensible haha????
  20. tell me a tootle is a high pace persuit game i haven't heard of?????????? hahahahah take care andy.........
  21. just trying to wind you up zeo......hahahaha then we can hire some bangers from a local scrap yard....dont know who we could ask???? hahahaha and you can introduce us to your world of motorsport!!!!! im sure we could hire a field from a farmer at this time o the year no probs!!!!!!
  22. what about a kart start day out then meet up with the taysiders for a thrash?????
  23. remove the cam covers..and the head bolts will remove the head with the cams intact im pretty sure of this but im no expert....i know that head bolts need to be heavily torqued....and cam retainers are very lightly torqued so it would be fair to assume the first comment is true get the spanners into it mate..........you will know as soon as you lift the cam covers hope this helps andy
  24. maybe we shouldn't talk about the first time you seen my pink helmet on a public forum dude hahahahhaha....its just wrong!!!! take care andy.......
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