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Everything posted by Scoobylav

  1. Did he tell you he set it on fire first time he tried it . . . . .lol (maybe shouldn't have told you that) You need to get a glow in the scoop like mine As can be seen on the dundee cruise website
  2. Nah Devlin its just that everyone knows Wagons have more power Good to put a face to name even though you could only probably see my nose I was so wrapped up Ian
  3. Or is it that the guy has just gone white as a sheet as Big Daz fish tailed repeatedly in front of him on the way home on Saturday night Daz - I hope you checked your bumper for paint marks - and your pants for skid marks . . . . . .LOL Glad you were OK though dude
  4. It was good to see a good turnout of scoobs on Saturday night. Also managed to put some more faces to names . . . . . Could have done with it being a little warmer - Mind you I kept warm behind the mondeo with some serious flames behind it. Ian
  5. Look forward to seeing you Russ this is looking like a good turnout. Thats me offline till Monday so hope to see you all on Saturday Night.
  6. Need to get the lighting right too ho ho he he lol
  7. Matt - Will look out for you Look out for a red wagon with a reddish blue wagon prob with a red saloon and a white Evo minimum See you later Ian
  8. Nyle, I touch goats Buddy Ian
  9. 2 here will be heading in on the forfar road
  10. LOL @ Big Daz
  11. Seevers - There is also one in Dundee this saturday night 20th. Not sure if that is too far for you though Welcome by the way Ian
  12. Nyle - I am going to be at Big Daz's on Saturday sorting out a few bits on the Scoob. I think he was on about wanting to get to the retail park just before 8pm. If you activate your private messages on here I will send you Petes number. As I seem to have mislayed your mobile number. Daz will probably confirm what plan he has later on Dunno if Pete is coming or not - I would think he will - but I haven't heard from him for a while. See you Saturday Ian
  13. I will look out for the challenge
  14. I know you can pull the right strings phil
  15. ciaran it would be good to see an FTO there
  16. Excellent news - Do you think we may have them for Saturday as we have a big meet on Saturday
  17. Nyle - Are you making an appearance on the 20th ?? Not seen you for a while
  18. Ciaran - I will be leaving from Forfar as there are some bits and pieces being done to my car in the day on Saturday.
  19. 20 mins West of Dundee and 20 mins North of Perth . . . . . . . Near Blairgowrie What about yourself ??
  20. And I thought you were beyond help
  21. planing that already Grant
  22. This one is yeah
  23. good point doh . . . . . 8pm at kingsway retail park - Tesco, Halfords, Pizza Hut et al
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