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Everything posted by Scoobylav

  1. Nyle - Daz is away for the afternoon so I will answer on his behalf. He did his tints himself, they even look good after close inspection Cheers, Ian
  2. Thats why I got excited
  3. Got myself all excited then Dougster
  4. 1. Nyle 2. Scoobylav 3. Big Daz 4. scoobykev 5. Redeye 6. greg h (maybe) 7. Ciaran 8. jc scoob 9. Hos 10. p1ggm 11.jasonb ( the new guy ) Looking good . . . . . .
  5. Rear lights for a wagon ??
  6. Maybe after Sunday I will be persuaded.
  7. Ian - Give me a shot of your car and I bet I can beat your time round the track
  8. I did think that Andy
  9. I am sorry but how can they call that a road casualty reduction unit when it is made to look like a stickered up scoob ??? God they make me so angry
  10. Have a 4 point harness fitted anyway I will come and have a look and see what i think . . . . . .
  11. can I enter the scoob ?
  12. BTW has anyone spoke to Tekno to tell him about this ?
  13. Daz beat me to that - I know your directions are pretty ropey Nyle but not knowing you pass Forfar to get to Edzell bud . . . . . Coulster - I think the issue is that this is the first Edzell of the year and the Guys on here want to get on the strip There has been some big talking over the winter and it will be fun for the rest to watch 1. Nyle 2. Scoobylav 3. Big Daz 4. scoobykev 5. Redeye 6. greg h (maybe) 7. Ciaran 8. jc scoob 9. Hos 10. p1ggm
  14. I would think there will be a stop at mcds for those not wanting to meet in dundee if necessary . . .
  15. 1. Nyle 2. Scoobylav 3. Big Daz 4. scoobykev 5. Redeye 6. greg h (maybe) 7. Ciaran 8. jc scoob 9. Hos 10. p1ggm Gordon, hopefully things will be a bit better organised for this one . . . . .
  16. 1. Nyle 2. Scoobylav 3. Big Daz 4. scoobykev 5. Redeye 6. greg h (maybe) 7. Ciaran 8. jc scoob 9. Hos Anymore ?
  17. Should be able to find time to visit in the afternoon. Depends on the weather
  18. Thanks Zeolitey Will pop along if I get the chance what time is it on ?
  19. << my instructor takes me 5 times a day!!!! >> Yikes that must hurt Dougster
  20. Hos, We are intending on meeting in Dundee and then having a convoy up to Edzell. I will let you know times and places nearer the time. It will be good to catch up with you it has been a while. Ian
  21. 1. Nyle 2. Scoobylav 3. Big Daz 4. scoobykev 5. Redeye 6. greg h (maybe) 7. Ciaran 8. jc scoob anymore ? Nyle, let us know how you get on
  22. Not sure of time yet depends on weather but I will post up on here nearer the time . . . .
  23. anyone else ?
  24. Just been home at lunchtime - Its landed
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