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Everything posted by Scoobylav

  1. Andy, I touch goats Cheers, Ian
  2. pm's replied to guys
  3. up for the morning
  4. I wont be able to make it but I have been asked by a couple of people if there is a convoy from Dundee to Alford on Sunday ? Let me know today if possible.
  5. Hi Jamie, It says Subaru on the bonnet and Impreza on the sides - in Japenese of course Cheers, Ian p.s These may be removed before sale unless someone particularly wants them left on.
  6. CENTRAL REGION HI SOOB ---- Perth aarongr - stirling Wilky----- Stirling, but soon Texas Sti-Zlv Matt Dunblane rallye 6 - stirling area. Weeb - Falkirk sheep - Kincardine CAZ1562 - Falkirk GLASGOW Dougster keap scooby micra_wrc...........Glasgow TheSquirrel555...Paisley Gumball..............Glasgow S Swiggi-------------Glasgow W Mrs S6CUB..........Glasgow W Bing....................Glasgow W CORSA................Glasgow S ANDYJDMSTI.......Glasgow WRC No 1............Paisley scoobiemadburd ..Paisley ~ ~ Cal ~ ~.........Glasgow W Playsatan.............Glasgow E Karps...................Bishopbriggs Chrissy................Bishopbriggs Fai17...................Paisley Marc29................Paisley Campbell.............Paisley Stringy................Bishopbriggs AYRSHIRE Scoobay TAYSIDE AND ANGUS Technopete jc scoob.........wellbank scoobykev.....Dundee/Forfar Scoobylav......Blairgowrie EDINBURGH AND LOTHIANS Spooks ImprezaPete ScoobyAndy WRXMANIA (Brian) Neofox (Ian) Road Warrior (John) pmacFTO - Livingston HIGHLANDS AND ABERDEENSHIRE Jools ~ ~ Cal ~ ~.........Aberdeen S Miss Scooby - Highlands Gee Wr1 - Highlands Powerjunkie, Aberdeen Carl, Turriff steve_nairn_sti - Nairn JohnS Sarah Ken Simbo RobD Boyakasha WUZ CT Numptie Tut Ali C SG
  7. You two on comission ?
  8. Christ 1am and they have helped you out already today ? they must work some long hours
  9. ooh theres a challenge for Tut
  10. John, Are there any non scoob places ? Thanks, Ian
  11. Come on this is a poor show. I will try my hardest to make this. 1. jc scoob 2. Dorikin 3. jasonb 4. Scoobylav (fingers crossed) Where are the rest ?????
  12. still not got my bits - Kev I will catch up with you soon.
  13. He lives . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  14. No but if you hear of someone who is reasonable at making roll cages let me know
  15. Oi what you doing on here your meant to be working - what do you think I am paying you for ? Anyway has anyone got the bits I need ????
  16. LOL wagon power is still alive and kicking but may look a little different You have hit the nail on the head this is a "joint venture" Gonna take a while to get it spot on - but watch out
  17. Well maybe . . . . . . . . . There are a few "projects" I am involved in just now which I could use some funds for Don't worry you don't get rid of me that easily I will still be around. Watch this space.
  18. Johnny YHM back. THANKS
  19. OK Guys I am in need of a standard downpipe and center pipe for MY97 turbo wagon. Also could do with a pair of standard headlights. If anyone has these knocking about in their lofts feel free to give them to me In a bit of a hurry for these parts so let me know ASAP Thanks, Ian
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