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Everything posted by Scoobylav

  1. LOL Zeolite Yeah my yearly playtime I think it kicks off at about 2pm I may be wrong though maybe it is 1pm
  2. Devlin You do realise that this is on November 20th don't you ? Ian
  3. Devlin You have to lay down the ground rules before you take the plunge Anyone on here will tell you who wears the trousers in my house Ian
  4. PG and Big Daz together in St Lucia could start a rumour here
  5. LOL @ Daz give me a shout dude. Off topic can you contact me through messenger as I have lost all my contacts thanks dude
  6. Right who is going to K/Hill on Saturday from Dundee ? What time ? Where to meet ? 1. Scoobylav - Not fussed on time or place
  7. Phil One pair - Will catch up with you at knockhill I will bring a completed form for you. Cheers, Ian
  8. Take her to St Lucia again if you want . . . . . . . . The marriage thing is what I meant you know it makes sense, although I would feel sorry for LJ
  9. Devlin At the last one there was a handfull of Scoobs from Dundee who went it is always a good turnout and good for a laugh. Would be good to put another face to a name. Ian
  10. Thanks for the post Daz and all the nice comments See you can all be nice when you want to. Also PG + Daz thanks for not touching the scoob . . . . . . or the house Had a really good time and would recommend St Lucia to anyone it is fantastic. It doesn't hurt that much PG . . . . . . . . You know you want to
  11. You will have to see her in the flesh soon
  12. Thats the very one Devlin Just a few more LEDs to put in the induction scoop and jobs a good un
  13. alternating headlamp relay those were being looked at just last week
  14. Dougster & PG your comments are very valid. Surely you don't think I'd be silly enough to drive round with these on These are for show use only
  15. OH YES
  16. Jealousy is a terrible thing Ciaran Don't knock Neons round here you never know who is watching
  17. Had a good day on Saturday messing about with some LEDs on the Scoob. Massive thanks to Big Daz for his help and knowledge. What do you think ??? See attached.
  18. Any excuse for a run out It was a good night Russ. Good to catch up with everyone including Greg (thought he had vanished) Russ remember not to drive that TVR with no-one around . . . . . you might end up being in it for some time LOL Ian
  19. It was good . . . the 4 best cars were from Dundee though Seriously though it was a good night with some great cars there. Also good to see some old faces (Greg)
  20. I would prefer internal proper sticky HOWEVER, those with tints will want external I would have thought.
  21. Simon who ??
  22. 1. Scoobylav 2. Scooby Dooby Blue 3. Mako (kind of ) 4. Big Daz 5. Teknopete 6. Nyquist ??
  23. 1. Scoobylav 2. Scooby Dooby Blue 3. Mako (kind of ) 4. Big Daz 5. Teknopete
  24. Slight change to plan can everyone who put their names down make Friday night i.e tomorrow at 7pm. If so Lord Lucan (Teknopete ) will be there. And has promised a wee surprise trip out for us all Need a quick response on this guys . . . . .
  25. Seems to have dougster (we will let him off as he is moving house) 1. Scoobylav 2. Scooby Dooby Blue 3. Mako 4. Big Daz
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