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Everything posted by Scoobylav

  1. 1. Scoobylav 2. Scooby Dooby Blue Any more ?
  2. So am I going to be on my own then ?
  3. Sorry who are you again ?? No worries Ian
  4. How about a meet this coming weekend on Sunday night ? Doesn't seem to have been one for a while. Anyone . . . . . . . . . ? 1. Scoobylav See below now a change to Friday night
  5. Karps - That is a greeeeaaaaaatttt position to be in under those two laydeez Nice front end by the way . . .
  6. Got a tip off to buy the new F&M magazine as on Page 25 (AWD Open day) there are a couple of pics of my car It is the blue one on the right hand side. Fame at last (Kind of) Just thought I would share that with you all. Thanks for the tip off Big Daz (yours is there too)
  7. Are you sure you don't want another ? I know of a nice one for sale . . . . . It is a wagon and after all me and Big Daz have shown you that wagons are faster
  8. << TheSquirrel555 .......................... Both .............................. Silver/Chrome 2. SCOOBAY....................................Both................................???????????? 3.Billyboy........................................Both.................................???????????? 4.Sti-zlv(matt).................................Both..................................??????????? 5. wrxmania (Brian).........................Both.............................................. 6. Zeolite (Ian).................................Not fussed TBH 7. JAC..............................................Both....................................Silver 8. kart_man.....................................Both...................................However the come ! 9. karps...........................................Both................................do they come in burberry 10 StevoWRX ..................................Both...........................Need something to replace those S/Net stickers ! 11 Spooks ..................................Both...........................??????????? 12 higgy.......................................both..............................black or silver 13 stiks....................................Both........STi pink or gold please 14 grasshopper..... yup. 15. Trance.............................Both.................In silver please/chrome even!! 16. Dougster.............................(you know me, I'll have anything going!!!! ) 17.WRC No 1..................................Both..................................??????????????? 18. Sti-04!! ....................................Both...................................?????????????? 19. Devlin ......................................Both....................................?????????????? 20. andyjdmsti..................................both..............................?????????????? 21. Hybridturbo..................................Both.................................. 22. sKunk..........................................both................................?????????????? 23. Spince.........................................Both.................................????????????? 24. Gordon Shek...............................Both.................................Whatever so long as it doesn't have anything to do with Scummynet! 25. corsa..........................................both..................................whatever. 26. Paul_wrx_sti...............................both..................................????????????? 27. Wilky(The artist formally known as Thunderlips)...........both.......................Happy with whatevers decided!! 28. CAZ1562.....................................rear window only.....................................name in white 29. robinh20mrv...............................both............................and see ya "stazinet" 30 Tino.............................................Rear window Only...............Name in White(are we doing the side window ones?) 31 PaulC555..........both in silver......pleeasseeeeee >> 32 Sarahbee........rear side window...........Whatever sticker style is decided....................One sticker with the name John and the other sticker with the name Sarah 33. Scoobylav ...............................Rear Window and the funky side ones too
  9. Numptie, I didn't realise it was you who tried to kill the timing gear Bit hair raising for a second there - I thought for a horrible moment the barriers were going to come into play . . . . . I hope there wasn't any damage Ian
  10. Just for the record I have an MY97 fitted with a VTA dump valve and a K&N induction kit. These have been on the car for nearly 2 years without problem. (that i know of ) Ian
  11. See here Car for Sale Thanks
  12. Dougster - where are you thinking of watching from a distance
  13. Numptie - great pics. Not sure if Devlin is in them but the two shifty looking guys walking away in No.5 is Big Daz on the left and me on the right. Cheers for those . . . .
  14. OK let us know when you have some news . . . . . .
  15. Are you sure you were there ??
  16. Sorry Guys I will refrain in future - the wounds are still raw Scoobylavs new deep breathing exercise . . . In with anger out with love, In with anger out with love, in with anger out with love . . . . . . . . . Thats better
  17. Check this out - all because Dougster wrote a beautiful poem http://bbs.scoobynet.co.uk/showthread.php?...984#post3703984 Clicky
  18. Devlin, Had a look mate but I haven't got any of your motor . . . Sorry, Ian
  19. Here to stay - as has been said before, We have been made to feel more welcome here in the past week or two than I can ever remember over in the ghost town. Webby has obviously now realised he is missing us - Too little too late ???
  20. I will probably have some - I will have a look when I get home tonight
  21. Well I will have a set when they are available
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