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Everything posted by teknopete

  1. Cheers for the postings guys, I`m off to my work shortly so I`ll know 2 keep an eyeout ;o) Pete
  2. Hey folks it`s me back online again ;o) and lookin to get things rolling again with a meet for the run through to Knockhill on 29th. This time we can have a few meet places so our more northerly buds can meet en route.ATM I`m gonna suggest we do one meet point at McD`s in Forfar, which will head down to meet up with the guys in Dundee at the shell Caird park filling station (for a top up) then onto Knockhill. Or if there`s anyone in Perth wants to join up enroute we can arrange a point for them as well ;o) No times posted yet but you can make some close guestimates to allow us to arrive a wee bit before the drivers brief. Anyone interested post up or send me a mail and I`ll keep u all up2 date. Now that I`ve got my tom tit back together the Dundee ricer meets etc will commence so keep an eye / ear out. Lets ave another great year peebs L8r Pete
  3. Right foks if its an am meet then i should be ok 4 it. Turns out that i drew the short straw in the work and as a result of various folk leaving i`m on night shift for another 4 weeks to cover the lasers :/ So i`ll b ok for an am meet. Pete
  4. Good news bout the roadworks Craig. Hopefully now all the fannies will stop using the Netherly / Petecoulter road an I can get to me work at a reasonable pace again L8r m8 Pete
  5. And just as Ian said look who appears Yeah guys at the last meet we agreed to ave 1 once every 2 months. My appologies for not arranging 1, I changed job recently and have been OTT with work commitments (u know the way it is 12hour shifts 6 days a week). Thanks to JC for taking the initiative and sorting this one out. As doug said I did post recently explaining things and leaving contact details for anybod that needed 2 get in touch etc, just incase u missed that post my contact no is 07939 416007 (cant have on when working as it interferes with the CNC`s) so if no answer leave a message as its checked regular I`m back on dayshift on the 28th so that means up at 3am 2 drive 2 work so if the date is set at 27th i`ll try an get down 2 show a face but dont think i`ll be there 4 the duration (need my beauty sleep) If the date was 26th no probs 1. JC Scoob 2. Scoobykev 3. Shep (Work Permitting) 4. RS Grant 5. P1ggm 6. Jasonb (work permitting, even if it meens plunking) 7. Coulster 8. Montey (coulsters mate) maybe depends on agreed date 9. Slimjim 10. paddy 11. Nyle 12. Teknopete L8r folks Pete
  6. Marshals sign on from 7am buddy. Pete
  7. Yeah got ur mail ian cheers, jus need scots number now
  8. Its that time of year again folks, the kingdom stages are back on Sataurday Is anyone going ? I`m supposed to be marshalling again but might not make it due to work commitments There`s still places for marshals needing filled, so its the ideal chance to get the best seats in the house. Pete
  9. Does anybody ave Scots new phone number ? I had it but lost it during the move If Scot or anyone who has his number reads this please text it to me or bell me an leave a voice mail eh (coz i`m on night shift) I need 2 get in touch wiv him smart like. Cheers Pete 07939 416007
  10. Doug, I work up in Aberdeen specifically westhill m8 ;o) Thing is i wont be at KH on Sat and am on nightshift next week :roll: But if darren (big daz) whos gonna ave his pug with him on sat is prepared to bring the thang home to forfar I can take it upto westhill on Sunday bout 5pm ish. Gimme a bell if u want on the scoobymods number 07939 416007 L8r m8 Pete
  11. Cal, I found 2 satelights last night bud, still cant find the astra ones though The dish positioning and directioning is a bit fiddly is it no just. Spose it keeps me aff the street Pete
  12. Cal, Yeah bud, especially the links on the page u linked 2 Already got the signal up to 37 - 49 % So hopefully now i`ve got some info it`ll no be long now Thanx again bud Pete
  13. Hey dude, Wots wot ? Pete
  14. Hey folks, Makin a habit of this eh 2 posts in 1 night (better watch or i`m gonna end up being a regular) Anyway as per title folks has anybody got a pdf or any docs on satelite system instalation and setup? Or some got URL`s ? Spent the whole of today tryin 2 set mine up dish facing south and elevated to 15deg, signal on sat finder is full on but receivers reporting 0% signal need some good reading to get this finished thinks me Can anyone gimme some pointers or that ? Cheerz Pete
  15. Hey peebs, word up ? Avin a real bad time with the scoob I bought as a run about the alarm is doin me nut in I know it`s unusal 4 me 2 ask for help on sparky stuff but hey if any bod has an idea lemme know eh I`ve posted a thread up at petes alarm grief about it, so ave a butchers an if u ave any suggestions (other than set a light to it) then lemme know. All suggestions except the stupid ones greatfully received. Thanx in advance folks Pete
  16. Good pix to be off of a mobile Mine look ok on the phone but lost the lead to xfer them to the puter Is that my number plate I see ???
  17. Karps, If past history is anything to go by then probably no stand buddy, unless there have been some changes in the way serious clubs are accomodated. If there`s interest from the members I`ll talk to Willie and see what he can do for us. Pete
  18. good 2 see u back Adam. BTW the corsets lookin as cute as ever m8 Catch up with u soon buddy. Pete
  19. Yeah Stuart, your on the nose there fella 1 bar = 14.5037738 pound/square inch [absolute] Pete
  20. Thanks 2 everyone who turned up for making the meet a good un. I`d say the concensus appears to be that the night was a success. Hope everyone enjoyed the route, we`ll tweek it a wee bit for the next time ;o) It was decided by the members at the meet that we will hold the meets every 2 months rather than every month. So we don`t get bored of them. So the next one will be around October time. We managed 11 members there so all going well and if every1 can attend the next 1 we`ll be on target for 20 maybe ?? See u all soon Pete
  21. I hear that oor Andy was on a mission and kickin but as usual eh ?? Nice 1 Andy Pete
  22. If anyone is commin down that hasnt been contacted bell me on 07939416007 Scott (redeye) gimme a buzz fella as the contact numbers i have for you are your old 1`s (I was in the middle of moving when u gave me u r new no`s and I`ve lost them ( ) Pete
  23. No skin off my nose folks, thats all i`m looking for "feedback". It`s the old how can we expect companies to change if they don`t get feedback. If anyone has anything they would rather not post on an open forum please email me direct, remember that when i say this i mean anything that could potentialy get the club in trouble for liable. As has been highlighted not all staff are the same, I have only ever dealt with the staff in Dundee, Forfar and Arbroath and haven`t had any problems in the 10 years or so I`ve dealt with them. They have always been courtious and helpfull, which IMHO warranted a slight difference in price but hey it`s upto the individual as it`s their hard earned. Keep the input comin folks. Pete
  24. 49 views yet no poll inputs This is a good example of why on occassions the RO`s are apprehensive to arrange things, put a lot of work into something which is for the benefit of all members and they can`t even be bothered polling or posting a comment.
  25. Jon, It`s tonight buddy
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