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Everything posted by teknopete
Hey peebs, It`s gettin closer now so just a quick update for u. I spoke to the guys at Star on Sunday and the airstrip is not available AGAIN So that`s knocked that on the head, reasoning being they wanted daft money for the hire and we cannot afford what they were asking. So that`s put paid to that Never mind though, we may be able to run some more motas now so keep the requests commin. There`s potentially a few surprise entries as well (keeping them 2 myself till a lot nearer the time) And ATM it`s a bit 50/50 as to if "big red" is gonna be fit 2 run, as she`s slipping the clutch jnow with all the stuff I`ve been workin on recently finally starting to work together so I`m trying 2 put together a bit of a hybrid clutch 4 better bite. Hopefully all will be in & bedded so we can re-map her 2 full force in time for the event. Pete
Update on behalf of new member 1. Teknopete, "Big red" classic WRX hybrid bitchin thang 2. Dougster, White wagon 3. R6 CDW, sti8 4. drb5, rb5. 5. John, sti8 6. Marc, sti8 7. RobD, Sti7 * 8. Bee 9. Coulster. UKturbo 10. CAZ1562 - Depends on engine rebuild & running in status 11. Zander 12. SG72 13. Willie F, Sti 7 PPP 14. Dougie549 15. Gregg UK Turbo (trance) 16. Callum STi7 17. Dodge, STi2 18. WRXmania, 03 wrx
Hey peebs, Jus off the blower to Grant at AWD who has advised me that they will be moving into bigger & better premises within the next few months. So we decided this would be an ideal opportunity to have an SIDC open day. In all probability we are looking at the end of next month / the start of December, so make sure you`ve all got empty diaries around then. This is in the early stages as of yet but hey jus giving you all the heads up on it, so no one can say "but i didn`t know it was on" I`ll keep u all updated as we progress on this Pete
OK peebs dyno date fixed for 9th of November. We are still awaiting confirmation of the airfield availability but irrespective the dyno will be on the 9th. Hope to have word back on the airfield later 2day (all things being equal). For information we could`nt get consecutive dates for the dyno days (a couple of weekends on the trot) so running orders to be sorted out on the basis of the initial post. The dyno window may have to be opened a bit to enable us to run more cars then move onto the airstrip later than initially anticipated (subject to confirmed availability). I`ll keep you all posted Pete
Excellent peebs, As we thought didn`t take long to get the numbers. By no means is the list closed though. We`ll put a couple of consecutive dates 2gether if need be If u folks want it we`ll organise it (cheezy or wot ) These days are always well attended. They are an ideal opportunity for new members to meet up with the regulars and auld timers See what it`s all about, swap info and have a general good crack. Then off 2 the airstrip 2 show if you can drive it as well as you stand by it Keep em commin folks, should have a fixed date soon. BTW Callum, I really woulda liked 2 c u r mota there m8 Pete
Hey Derek, Cost`ll b around £30 for the dyno & £10 for the airfield BTW I mailed u back re the pod m8, if u didn`t get the mail lemme know an I`ll resend u it. Some of the stuff didn`t arrive so realistically lookin at the weekend for completion, sorry. Pete
Oh yeah I`d better start the list No. Owner Car 1. Teknopete "Big red" WRX Add yer names if u wanna space Pete
Hey peebs, Been a loooooooong time in coming but they`re back Haven`t had one for a whilst so, we`re going to put together a dyno day @ Star. Provisionally I`m looking for 12 - 14 scoobs max to fill the day. It`ll b the usual format (worth commin even if just 4 the crack) Date not fixed as yet but we`re initially looking at mid next month (November) as we`re trying to get the airstriip for a play afterwards Dyno places will be allocated on the following basis : 1/ SIDC members with scoobs (1st come first served) 2/ Scoobynet menbers with scoobs (1st come first served) 3/ General Scoob owners (1st come first served) 4/ Other marques (as suitable for running orders) If past events are anything to go by there won`t be any probs filling the spaces and we may endup having to layon another day as well, so best advice is get yer name down qwick before it`s opened up to everyone. BTW date will be confirmed before the end of the week (all going to plan) Pete
Looks like i wont make it this Sunday peebs If things change I`ll c u all there (jus look 4 big red) Pete
Dyno sessions are held at Star Performance in Glenrothes. There was some extensive work and experimentation with Jim over the last few years to ensure the dyno figures were true to life, as it was found 4wd dyno`ing had lots of additional factors to be considered. Now though IMHO we are on the nose and figures are available for dyno`ing Scoobs, evos etc accurately But for now who`s all goin 2 Crail on Sunday ? I`d anticipate that it`ll b chok a blok so in order 2 get a good pitch it`d be wise to get there early So anyone wanna do a meet in Dundee earlyish ?? Pete
Zeo, We occasionally do some one on one racing etc at the airfield. These events are normally held after dyno sessions So we can see if he who can pee furthest up the wall can use it Like is said "it aint how you stand by your car, its how you race it" Pete
Yeah, There`ll b a meet organised nearer the time folks. Normal meet for Crail is at Riverside snack bar in Dundee (at the east end of the airport). But keep u r eyes peeled 4 now. Pete
Derek, Thats a red card 4 u m8 Quiet on organising :eek: who put the McBig One together With a bit of help from John & Doug and a few RO`s Ya cheeky git Also there`s the town & county subaru spectacular as well this Sunday 13:00 - 18:00 at Knockhill. Then the Fast Car mag day at Crail on 28th, Then the Golden Wheels exhibition in Aberdeen on the 5th bla, bla, bla..... hey the years young yet There`s meets 2 be organised 4 all the above 4 starters m8. Pete
Whats all the shouting about ??
Just a quick update folks, The event is to run from 08:00 to approx 14:00 Entry is to be free. There will be raffle tickets on sale at the gate and all through the day with all proceeds going to charity. So we`d appreciate it if everyone at least buys a couple of tickets on their way in As the proceeds of the event are for charity there will be wrist bands for sale if you want to have some pax (passanger laps) on track. A wrist band will cost £10 and that entitles you to laps in as many pax cars as you can cram into the day There`s work in progress ATM on further activities which we are trying to secure for the day, further details will be posted as availble. A number of competitions will be running on the day, these are to include : 1. Impreza show and shine 2. Best modded Impreza 3 Best Impreza ICE install To name but a few, with prizes sponsored by various vendors. We have received a good response from vendors thus far and a list of attending vendors will be available shortly (for all you folks itching to spend some hard earned) Incidentally if you are a vendor that we haven`t approached yet and would like to setup a stand please contact me, John S or Doug in the first instance. Our to man John is currently working on a press release for the event so keep an eye on your local papers. Like John has said, in order for the event to run smoothly we may need some extra hands, so if you would like to help out on the day please forward your name to one of the afore mentioned. Thats it for now folks but be sure, this event is happening and it`s upto you how McBig it really is, so spread the word to everyone you know who has a Scoob L8r Pete
Cheers Derek, No prices yet, what i do know is that track time rates will be our standard trackday costs Trying to get some vendors interested so we can spread the cost. Looking to get some extra publicity by charging a minimal fee for wrist bands to entitle spectators to pax laps. The proceeds of which we`ll donate to charity. Loads to be organised so we may take you ip on the offer of help But in the mean time if u can make sure everyone at your end of the country knows the date n place that`s a good start. Talk 2 u soon m8 Pete
After discussions at Knockhill on Sataurday with various people, the following details were agreed : Date : 13th Sept 2003 Venue : Knockhill race track Time : 09:00 - 13:00 (potentially going on to Karting or suchlike there after and curry / beers) Costs : All to be determined within the next day or two. Organisers : East Scotland : Me (teknopete) North Scotland : John Stewart West Scotland : Dougster Englandshire : position vacant (Lordy / ninnybobs ??) Any quetions re the event should be directed to one of the above. A full update will be available as soon as final details are arranged. OK peebs now we have the date n stuff lets get them names down on the attendee list attendee list See u all there Pete (junior member had 2 rejoin for some reason, but hey bein the new kid on the block suits me)