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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. From their site "We have a noise limit of 105db(A). The noise reading is measured statically at 0.5 metres at 3/4 revs." Not sure if this will affect anyone here.
  2. Having owned a UK classic turbo, blobeye WRX and a hawkeye STi, I have to say that nothing compares to the STi. Classics do not rule.
  3. welcome to SIDC, a newage, hurrah
  4. you sound familiar John I would say yes, you could have a tax disc in the house, but if you don't display it you'll get hung.
  5. p.s. Stephen, you should be having words with your mate
  6. a few from me, click on each for the larger version. If anyone wants the originals, just let me know I havn't had a chance to process them properly, too busy photographing beasties out my back garden
  7. Just because IT dudes can't support them yum yum
  8. nice shots Spooks, good to catch up with you all yesterday I still have to sort mine, my pc is really playing up, time to buy a mac me thinks
  9. tidy! I agree about the rear lights, originals would look much better
  10. jeezy peeps, really glad you are ok mate!!!
  11. sorry to knock it off topic again, clicky for reference to bagpipe noise levels, euro twats
  12. not sure about the 10db, but soon Bagpipes will be illegal. Man, I 99% hate this country.
  13. Congratulations all! I hope I'm next, my willy is about to fall off with trying
  14. excellent shots there Stephen! This one looks like a toy car, nice work mate
  15. Cracking day yesterday, it seemed more like an SIDC meet than anything else! Great to meet all the lads and lassies yesterday, roll on Forrestburn next weekend. Here's a few polaroids from yesterday, there's more on my flickr account if you fancy a peek. Alternatively, you can view the whole set as a slideshow Click on each if you would prefer to see the larger version. and one for the Aberdeen boys Cheers, Neil.
  16. DON'T PANIC, it's **** like this that makes it even worse. One person tells another, and another, then the whole of the country is trying to get petrol. Chill out Neil (with his full tank of Shell's finest).
  17. yes, but not uploaded them yet, stephen is staying over so won't have internet access. Ill upload mine tomorrow
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