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Everything posted by 4Hero

  1. May 05/E Westfield 2000 Widebody 2.0 - 1,700 miles - £8,990 TVR CERBERA 4.5 AJP 1998 (1998) - 65,000 miles - £11,000
  2. I know what you mean. I only had a tamiya electric jobbie. Went into Marionville Models, told the guy I wanted a fusion, he laughed and said "I presume you are very experienced with nitro cars?", "no" I said. He went on to say how you are supposed to build your way up to the fusion (I have no patience). He was very reluctant to sell it to me. Know I know why... Took it home, built it up, went down the local industrial estate and within 10 minutes caused £60 worth of damage (wheels popped off, bent a few bits, etc..) Amazing fun though, may take it to crail one day Nice wee collection you have there, your buggy looks awesome!
  3. Not just the box mate, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schumacher_Fusion
  4. smart a*** comments? I was just saying goodbye and signing off from this thread.
  5. race ya the wee black one does 0-60mph in under 2 secs, 960bhp (power to weight ratio)
  6. Confused between ebay.com & .co.uk? They are the same company? Good luck with your 12 members. Regards, A genuine scottish scoobies member
  7. But you were searching for the url to buy, you saw the .com and .co.uk were unavailable, but not once did you check these sites? I buy domain names often and it's the first thing I do..
  8. I just can't believe that you had no idea about scottishscoobies.co.uk and .com Connor...
  9. Have to agree with you, the autoart models are stunning! That's all that I collect, the detail is amazing. got a few more, but not photographed them yet.
  10. Cheap? Where? There are none of the reid/burns 1:18 scale on ebay right now.
  11. I don't think they would be personally signed by burns/reid. Got a couple of Autoart 1:18 scales. and them having a race Currently worth around £100 each
  12. So you are searching for a domain one night, you search for scottishscoobies, you see that some are unavailable, but .net is free. Did you not feel the urge to check out the .co.uk and .com to see what they were all about?
  13. Not sure if I like the job of "power images crash magnet", does anyone else fancy doing it now? Excellent shots though colin! P.a. What's your mates name again?
  14. From the scorching sun of last Sunday, to the blizzard and hailstones of today, you can never predict Knockhill's weather system Good action packed day though. View the set as a slideshow if you like. "ermm, the cars are going the other way mister" This was the only shot I got of the mini crash. He was coming straight for me at great speed, I kind of panicked (after remembering that cars had ended up where I was standing before). Wouldn't make a very good motorsport photographer The driver was ok. Cheers, Neil.
  15. I think people just like to play god, hence setting up their own forums. "This is my forum, respect my authority" Anyone can set up a forum...
  16. Just noticed that subaruimprezadriversclub.co.uk & .com are available to buy
  17. mybe the 1's th@t speek text talk will all pIss of to there
  18. Whois Record Registrant: Connor McQuillan Domain name: SCOTTISHSCOOBIES.NET Administrative Contact: McQuillan, Connor Technical Contact: Technical, GX Networks 5 Roundwood Avenue Stockley Park Uxbridge, Middlesex UB11 1FF UK +44.8712309525 Fax: +44.8701650437 Registration Service Provider: 08712309525 08709126612 (fax) http://www.123-reg.co.uk
  19. Is it the swift that's yours scotstaff? I popped over on Sunday and spoke to the female driving to say I had got a couple of decent shots Which one are you referring to "in flight"?
  20. There's only 12 months in a year, it could go on forever. But we, as a club, need to decide on what should be featured on it. A poll seems like a good idea. Members post shots of their cars, a poll is made from the shots, and the members (oops, my membership has lapsed) decide on the final 12. edited to add, don't want to hi-jack this idea C_WRX, just knocking some ideas about
  21. So, a classic, bugeye, blobeye, and hawkeye? What about the one that looks like a golf?
  22. so the plan is... Do we find 12 of the sexiest scoobies on here and get decent shots of them (making sure that all ages are covered)? Do we pay for a company to design the calendar, or have it done to a very high standard for free? Do we take orders/payments in advance then have a batch of calendars printed? Do we just cover Scotland or make it nationwide? This could prove difficult unless there's photographers available wherever needed. Any other ideas?
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