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Everything posted by rig-pig

  1. decals back on then it doesnt look the same as mine :lol: got to say they look better without them
  2. good news m8 glad its all sorted
  3. it did look a bit wet on a nice sunny day right enough
  4. Mmmm yep decals were well bad, a bit on the expensive side with the sale
  5. thanks guys, i cant move in the garage for boxes
  6. you could always try working like the rest of us plantpot
  7. we had max stress with the buyers mortgage company only confirmed yesterday and got everything signed they only agreed in principal 3 months ago and we move on fri, even the buyers were stressed out with all this and even put in a official complaint, but thats it all done now
  8. hope all is good or getting that way your end m8
  9. yep Kenny its all sorted out today so not as stressed as the other day m8
  10. time to say goodbye well for a week anyway, move house on fri so will be off line for a few days till we get everything sorted i have at least a year of decorating in front of me but the up point i have a bigger garage for me to play in
  11. i would just go with the back box with heading to work in the middle of the night m8 no need to SHOUT tho :lol:
  12. the last i heard the scrap value in a cat was anywhere from £20 to £50 per cat dependant on size
  13. got this fitted on fri, i just cant help myself, just need the bigger turbo, injectors, pump and then map
  14. nice golf and scoob m8, might see you in a scoob at some point
  15. ace pics m8, looks like you would have been better duck racing m8
  16. 1st you need to find where the water is coming from that you are finding under the car
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