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Everything posted by rig-pig

  1. tarox are good but can be quite noisy in town at low speed (squeal) mintex get my vote m8
  2. looks good m8, top job on the polishing
  3. nope defo wont miss you m8, looks good i like it
  4. got the prodrive downpipe wrapped today and will get it fitted next week
  5. wheels look good m8, pants about the shell tho
  6. i know what you mean LewisScoob im kind of thinking that m8 but i was wanting a black blobeye and they had the wrx ppp and it is mint and its faster than yours
  7. it was on it when i got the cooler it looks like the plasticoat stuff you get in spray tins that is on it
  8. also have a set of drop links to go on
  9. thats a prodrive downpipe on the way, just need the up-pipe, fuel pump and injectors next, will get the STi scoop painted that i have and fit the STi top mount then time for the re-map
  10. very nice m8, like the other toy too, hope to see you at a meet soon
  11. looks good jon, if you want a good paint go to A R K paint in dundee m8 they will make you up a tin and it will be a very good match, have a ace time at the weekend m8
  12. nice one m8 did you have to wet sand it ??
  13. wow thats bad put the spare on ASAP that tyre will blow out m8, thats the beed of the tyre you can see and thats the seal for the tyre
  14. getting there m8 but we must have more pics
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