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Everything posted by kennyuk300

  1. Richie,got to be the one's with the red rim Very nice ... Kenny
  2. The traffic are more than welcome to look over the car ,everything other than the plate is legal As i mentioned inprevious post Richie they had some sort of list they were looking through kenny
  3. Charlie mate, it looked like some sort of drive think going on .They had to look through a sheet to see what they had to do me for kenny
  4. Got stopped and fined(£60) for the spacing on my no plate.One letter then a slightly larger space then the rest of the characters (So be warned) The lettering is standard ,they also said i should have a post code on it stating where it was made and also He said "kite mark". "I am sorry but it does not fall into the category Where i give you a notice and for you to get it fixed and stamped at an MOT station"??????? "I know it's not just the fine ,you will have to get a new plate made up" Get this "Are they as good as they say they are "Referring to the car my reply "Depends on what they say" Not once did they look around the car for anything else ,just seemed to me a quick pull and fine I was not doing anything out of the ordinary as i had my wife and son in the car going to his Gran's. How dumb can you be, the officer even agreed that it was easily readable and not made to look like something it was not......his words "it's a bit pedantic" You are telling me.... So guy's watch out. I have looked at my fixed penalty notice and it has got the wrong street name down ie not the street that i got stopped on any advice??? Kenny
  5. Just want to say thanks to Arch for the part you gave Phil for me, very much appreciated Story goes ,changing my rear dicscs/ pads which i got on the group buy on SN from Godspeed.First up offside no problem at all.next the nearside Caliper off ,discs seemed quite free like the offside one so i used a machine screw in the hole on the bell,started to come out quite nice then it stuck. I was thinking that there might have been a slight lip on the drum catching the shoes so i used a screwdriver to loosen the shoes more but to no avail,used a longer machine screw to pull the discs away but i noticed that the shoes were coming with it .I was left with no choice but to get it off to fix the shoes,pulled the disc out at the bottom and used a long driver to turn the adjustment wheel as much as possible,then it was heave ho.Off it came pulling off the spring retainer clips but also breaking (not sure what it is called )brake shoe spacer bar????answers on a post card Called PhilMc today to ask if he knew any car breakers near by and he said he was going to see Arch later and he might have something ,Hour or so later picture message "is this it?" ,yes indeedy.It was ,well i'm sure it is no time to fit it tonight will do it tomorrow night .I have not met the man yet (Arch) but was willing to help me out ,so again big thanks to Arch .Another showing of club spirit P.S Arch i will buy you breakfast/lunch at Kames Regards Kenny
  6. Andy ,i have just fit my grooved discs i got from Godspeed .The discs were marked for each side ,the grooves are curved and they curve from the back of the car downward toward the front,like the pic Del put up from the EBC site. Kenny
  7. Stunning job you have done Colin,and again well done in donating your time,effort to a worthy cause.Top bloke as not many people would Cheers Kenny
  8. Well done mate Hope she does you proud Kenny
  9. Would the meet time still remain the same if it did indeed become saturday??? Would there also not be an issue with traffic volume regarding the runs on a saturday evening??? Kenny
  10. Yes Boss,Sorry Boss .............."Taking it off yah boss"...... To be honest any week night would suit,unless nightshift i have no other commitments. Kenny
  11. Would there not be the option of fitting an after market brake bias vavle to compensate for the larger brakes on the rear????? Kenny never read the above post in full.
  12. Great stuff mate,i'm thinking of getting the Godspeed kit that is on SN for the rear of mine.as for the refurb kit ,looking forward to getting my free detail On serious note ,i reckon that some bedding in and the brakes will be a lot better Kenny
  13. It is just the STI which benefits from the sportscat downpipe and not the WRX http://www.prodrive.com/products_level2.html?id=109&p=12 Kenny
  14. Sorry mate http://bbs.scoobynet.com/group-buys-356/81...r-pad-deal.html Try this. Kenny
  15. How about these mate ,seem a good price Kenny
  16. Seen this on Scoobynet ,was wondering if anyone on here is on it .I personally don't have a Facebook account .Who does ?is it anygood?? http://bbs.scoobynet.com/private-sale-gene...lease-join.html Kenny
  17. Charlie ,on a SCALE of 1 to 10 how were the directions was there anything FISHEY about him?did he have any TAILS to tell Kenny
  18. On my car Bugeye,it has a sticker on the drivers door jamb stating the pressures 33 front 32 rear . Kenny
  19. Well James,care to enlighten us ????????? Kenny
  20. Can't see any mention of the UK300,you can't know that much then Kenny
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