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Everything posted by kennyuk300

  1. Earthquake......Perhaps Chris you really does love your car (Chris maybe not do that in the open) Kenny
  2. He sent me a text message before he posted up Keira,can't get them just now Kenny
  3. Hi James,i got one key coded by Andy Forrest when he mapped my car and another one done by a locksmith(new spare key).HTH Kenny
  4. welcome along mate ,that bug was very nice indeed,not that i am biased of course Liking the black and white on the hatch Kenny
  5. Welcome along mate,nice car.....Come on over,you'll love the weather... kenny
  6. Very sorry to hear this mate ,glad to hear all relatively ok.Hope you get it all sorted without too much hassle. Indeed looked to be a very scary position to be in,hope you get a car/your car that you want... Kenny
  7. Very nice car mate.Love the look of those seats Kenny
  8. Hello and welcome Nice looking P1 mate Well then tell us what you have had done ,we don't like secrets Kenny
  9. Very nice car Keira Now it will be decisions decisions come meet time Kenny
  10. Congratulations mate ,bet you are pleased Kenny
  11. Best wishes and good luck to all ,Go Team Subaru Kenny
  12. Looking great Colin Me next me next The flakes were showing really well Kenny
  13. Looking really good John You will be glad to get it finished no doubt Kenny
  14. Surely you mean 2 t!t's cycling and not 2 a breast Kenny
  15. With Arch on using AS Performance ,have used them several times now and pricing was excellent and good advice too Kenny
  16. Thanks Alistair ,John is going to sort me out mate.. Kenny
  17. You must have been up bright and early Looking good mate Kenny
  18. A goat has left the building,i repeat a goat has left the building Kenny
  19. Need to get a new sensor by the looks of things,phoned Ian Grieve's and they are looking for something in the region of £169 +vat Is there any other recommended places to purchase???? Cheers Kenny
  20. Like your style ,will you go for forged parts to make it future proof????? Kenny
  21. Ouch mate can anything be done with the two of them??? Kenny
  22. Say's the man who took his Exige up the strip Kenny
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