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mystery machine

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Posts posted by mystery machine

  1. Does that bollard serve any other purpose than to potentially entrench itself into some poor unsuspecting punter's motor?

    You have to wonder if it isn't a regular occurrence when someone's actually gone to the trouble of leaving a traffic cone in front of the adjacent one...

  2. I'm one of those lowlifes who doesn't pay for full membership, hasn't contributed to any of the charity events and doesn't turn up for any of the meets (although hoping to do something about that last one after the winter)...

    The only thing I can say in my defence is that I do make every effort to wave to other Scoobyists :lol:

    Despite all that, I find this to be a mostly very friendly wee place, frequented by mostly genuinely helpful, good-willed and humorous people. To date, I've had only one member treat me directly in what I considered to be a wholly shabby manner - and anyone who's spent time on a variety of internet forums will tell that's not bad going in over a year's worth of posting! :lol:

    So the answer is an emphatic 'yes' - Scottish Scoobies is very good indeed :lol:

  3. I have to admit to a bit of tweaking, here's the original...

    Magic :D

    Ambience courtesy of Photoshop, eh? :rolleyes:

    Funny thing is, as many times I've driven to work and seen sunrises that really were as golden and majestic as your edited pic, but I've never actually made the effort to snap a photae. My cheapo digikal camera properly wouldn't do much of a job of capturing it, mind... the eye sees so much more than yer average DSC.

  4. I thought it was something that Subaru had come up with as a sort of homage to all those poor beggars who'd received a tongue-lashing from the missus after coming back from Andy Forrest's a few quid lighter:




    Hence also 'RA':



    'RB' (5, 320, etc):



    and, finally:





  5. Thanks. I took it in Wales, the Eppynt (sp?) viewpoint on the B4519 just south of Garth.

    Ah! For a minute I thought there was some picturesque part of Fife I had yet to discover (too many hedgerows for Fife, I 'spose :D).

    I love that golden hue you've captured from the low sun in the cloudy sky :rolleyes:

  6. Not for a STI only WRX thats on Andy's site

    Prodrive include a fuel pump:


    As do ScoobyWorld:


    Regarding Andy Wood - OK, so he calls it a 'Level 2' once you throw in the fuel pump and aftermarket air filter, but given the meagre performance figures quoted for his 'Level 1' mod (290bhp-300bhp) I can't see why anyone with a 2.5 STI (276-ish bhp) wouldn't want to add the fuel pump and air filter for a more worthwhile 340-360 bhp (figures quoted for full decat, but I can't see the sports cat being too far off the bottom end of that on the 2.5 STI).

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