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mystery machine

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Posts posted by mystery machine

  1. Sorry to hear about the bother, mate - hope you can get the Scooby all square again soon.

    maye be able to get a gazzibo or something up but isnt the same i guess.
    Certainly a good time to buy one!

    Wish I'd been similarly enterprising and bought a job-lot of plastic snow shovels back in July.. if only I'd paid heed to the old fable about the 'industrious mouse', etc :)

  2. Let the wife out of the boot :lol:
    Oh, ma ribs :D

    And if that wasn't bad enough...

    The sound is a bit like hitting a big pot with a wooden stick

    ...he's got her mashing up a cauldron of soup in there :)

    Just kiddin', John - sounds suspension-related to me, but let us know how you get on ;)

  3. Hi Shandy,

    Hello and welcome to the forum, glad to have you here :(

    The GXes have to be criminally underrated motors (outside the Scooby fraternity) - surely a great buy for anyone who wants a fine-handling car with fantastic grip and reasonable engine performance - without the higher insurance/fuel/tax/maintenance costs associated with the turbocharged models :)


    P.S. I had a cracking run up through Callander on Sunday in the Scoob - long sections of great twisty road and not a soul around!

  4. I don't want to get into a classic v newage debate because what's the point in that? My dads bigger than your dad etc.

    You're quite right, Steve - it's not a debate I'd get into either - just passing on some objective info. You pays your money, you takes yer choice :(

    Good luck with whatever you end up with going for, looking forward to hearing about it and seeing some Stevie Nicks :)

  5. Something that's not often mentioned in the "classic vs newage" debate, and perhaps worth considering if you're driving on public roads (esp with passengers who are also family members), is crash performance.

    It isn't always easy to obtain objective data in this area, but the Australian 'USCR' ratings are interesting because their assessment is based on the outcome of real-life crashes:

    "Used Car Safety Ratings (UCSR) help you identify safer second hand cars.

    The ratings illustrate the likelihood of a driver being killed or seriously injured once a crash has occurred. The car's handling, drivability, distance driven and the driver's behaviour have no influence on the results presented.

    The latest UCSR are based on statistics collected from car crashes in Australia and New Zealand between 1987 and 2005, where someone was killed or seriously injured. Over two million police reported crashes are analysed in the latest UCSR."

    Impreza 1993-2000: 2/5 stars

    Impreza 2001-2007: 4/5 stars

    I'm not suggesting that this should be the last word when choosing a vehicle (who would ever ride a motorbike if it was :)), but it is an interesting consideration to make when comparing these two similar (in the big scheme of things) cars :(

  6. Best driver, in almost every respect:


    Most reliable: Vectra SRi 150 - great dash, stereo & ergonomics too :)

    Prettiest: Calibra SE4 - pearlescent blue paintwork with cream leather interior :)

    Best value: MkII Astra 1.3L - had 165K miles on the clock when sold and never gave me any major grief :(

    Worst (in every department): Early '80s Nissan Sunny - spent more time in bits than it ever did on the road :(

  7. Aye - any opportunity to raise revenue through taxation... :rotfl:

    What troubles me more deeply is that the electorate seem to tolerate - support, even - many of the tax hikes that are implemented in the name of environmentalism (road tax, petrol duty) :D

    Honestly, if the government were really so interested in 'saving the planet', would they have concocted a scheme like the car scrappage allowance? Consider the impact on the environment from the manufacture of thousands of new cars, bought to replace older items, many of which might have been perfectly servicible...

    Expect more of the same if/when the tories take the helm again ;)

  8. Not sure I agree that point.....

    Surely if you wind the hub up or down on the strut the geometry of the control arms is going to change?As a minimum I'd expect that to effect toe in / out.

    The BC instructions also say that when adjusting ride height you need to loosen the two bolts which attach the strut to the hub, that will certainly effect camber!

    Aw shucks - sounds like I've been misuninformed again ;)

    Next you'll be telling me that I shouldn't be using Ragu to flush out my engine oil...

  9. I think that was just the way they came out of the box, which looks good, but im going to lift them up about 20mm at the weekend as the roads round here are s**** to say the least & im no wanting to loose my front splitter. ;)

    That's the beauty of the BCs, isn't it - that you can adjust ride height without affecting geometry or ride quality.

    After my warranty's gubbed, and when the Subaru shocks start to knock again (as they inevitably will), I plan to go the BC route too.

  10. So you say! :P:)

    Well put it this way, I've never said that I would turn up for a meet and then not turned up, so I have a clean record so far... ;)

    Well, when I say 'clean', I mean clean for a meet-dodgin', charity-avoidin', OT-postin', modification-fearin' gabshyte :P

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