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mystery machine

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Posts posted by mystery machine

  1. There is some rust on the rear arch but been quoted £150 to fix and put arch kit on.
    Call me cynical, but it's hard to understand how anyone could make a proper job of that for only 150 bucks... a "tart it up'n'sell it" job, p'raps...

    JMO, but maybe worth budgeting for a wee bit more if it looks like the arches are going to need fixed.

  2. Hello and welcome to the forum ;)

    Good luck with the car hunting - look forward to seeing some pics once you've made a purchase :lol:

    (Some of the classic owners around here should hopefully be able to offer you buying advice.)

  3. I found the box very good for point to point on back roads, in a straight line you are through the box really quick
    That's a fair point - the back roads are where it's at with me, I sometimes forget that some folks are into the straight line thang ;)
  4. At what year does it go to the longer ratio??



    I'm not entirely sure, TBH - although I seem to remember reading that the ratios were revised when the 2.5L was introduced (end of '05, beginning of '06). That seems to tie-in with what ciaranrb5 was saying, but you might want to do your own research. Perhaps a main dealer could give a definitive answer...?

  5. I sent Frank STI a pm about his box, would his be the longer or shorter ratios.....its a 53 plate??



    I think I'm right in saying that all the 2.0L STIs came with the lower-geared (shorter) 'box.

    I wouldn't write it off though - you might prefer it that way.

  6. dont get the 6 speed mate,im fed up with it having to change every 2 secs.

    when overtaking from 50mph in 3rd gear full throttle,lucky if i can get level with the car before needing to change up,i preffered the 5 speed in my classic.

    When was your gearbox made?

  7. Hi there - and welcome to the country!

    Edinburgh can be an expensive place to live, but on the upside it is a largely nice-looking, clean and tidy town. Edinburgh folks IMHO aren't necessarily always the cheeriest people in Scotland... but then there are always exceptions to that rule! (e.g. the guys on this forum :lol:). In any case, it's undoubtedly a very interesting and cosmopolitan city with plenty to see and do all year around - I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Some of the Edinburgh locals (e.g. Midnight21) will be able to advise on accommodation, etc.

    Scotland's generally a very good place to be a Scooby/driving enthusiast, although the big downside is the high fuel cost (currently around $6.70 for a US gallon of super unleaded!). However, you don't have to go far from Edinburgh to find some great twisty roads (the Borders region, in particular). The Highlands also has plenty of great driving roads to offer if you don't mind a bit of a trek getting there.

    All the best!


  8. GFB do one. As do Prodrive (as fitted to RB320) - but the Prodrive is well expensive. Speak to Duncan at Hypertech about the GFB. Supposedly shortens the throw between 3rd and 4th by about 40%.. but can't remember the exact figures.

    Cheers, Mark - I'll need to see if I can have a noodle with someone's RB320 'box - get an idea of what it'd feel like.


  9. When i said the gears were shorter in a 6 speed i meant gear ratio no gearlever throw.
    Aye, that's what I was on about too - the closer ratios make it easier to stay wherever in the rev range it is that you want to be. I love it, one of the nicest features of the STI ;)
    My 5 speed is braw with the short shift
    I'm intrigued by the quickshift linkage - do you know if they do one for the 6-speed?
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