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Some Scum Is Wrecking My Paintwork!

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Noticed some new scratches on the corner of the front bumper at the weekend. Looking again today, there are about fifteen short scratches along the length of the top edge of the front wing (same side as the bumper scratches), some new scratches on the bonnet, and marks that look like they may have been made by a PAW on the bonnet scoop :(

I suspect a cat, as I also have problems with cats sh*tting on my grass. I think the heat from the scoop may be attracting it...

Anyone else experienced anything similar? Did you find a solution (apart from the obvious 'shotgun')?

I try not to get upset about this kind of thing, only a car etc, but I've only had it six weeks and it was minted when I bought it. If the damage continues at this rate it'll be a bleedin' mess in nae time!

Never had this problem with a previous car. Fecking raging.

Any suggestions would be appreciated...


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You got it right the first time: shotgun.

I suggest keeping an eye out for any feline intruders to enure that that is the cause. Once you have done that, find out who it belongs to and talk to the owner about it. You never know, if their animal is damaging your car, they might pay for it, though, don't hold your breath.

Edited by TheWelsho
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Once came out to find a cat onmy scoop lapping up the warmth.

Don't do what I did and scare the sh*t out of the cat. It just left more marks running for it's life !!

Svine! You know, that's similar to another story I read, posted on the www by some poor bugger who blasted his horn while a cat was perched on his bonnet. Seemingly he could actually hear its claws drag along the paintwork as it slid off in fright...

I HATE cats.

You know, generally I'm quite compassionate about animals, but for various reasons I'm going RIGHT off cats - it's almost as if the revolting little bestirds evolved perfectly to rub-up human beings the wrong way...

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i had the same problem with the next doors cat sitting on the car shiitting in the garden digging etc but got a hint from a mate at work

he told me to buy a couple of mint plants put them about the garden especially from where they get into the garden and where they shiit obviously, that was about 10 weeks ago the plants have taken over a bit (another mate prunes them for his horrible mojitos) and not a shiit nor a cat to be seen!


Edited by neill54
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got a hint from a mate at work

he told me to buy a couple of mint plants put them about the garden especially from where they get into the garden and where they shiit obviously, that was about 10 weeks ago the plants have taken over a bit (another mate prunes them for his horrible mojitos) and not a shiit nor a cat to be seen!


It might come to that, Neil. I've been using tubes of powder repellent to keep them off the grass. Seems to work, but I have to use a tonne of the stuff every week - and it ain't cheap. Tonight I left some around the Scooby too!

Did those cats ever bother your motor?

Some people claim cats' claws aren't capable of damaging paintwork, but if wasn't a cat, then I'm buggered if I can work out what it was...

P.S. I suppose at least with your method, it's a good excuse for the wife to get some lamb chops on the go :(

P.P.S. Is that old-fashioned and misogynistic of me, assuming the wife would be doing the cooking?

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slightly off topic dont know about the macarther glen car park i usually park in the newer one at the old safeway site always good for setting off the odd car alarm! and its free for the moment

and im sure phil there will be a cat lover along shortly to sort you out!! not me though more of a dog man myself


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BTW - is it right that you now have to pay to get into the multi-storey at MacArthur Glen?

My wife works down there and she says that there are plans to make you pay for your parking if you stay for over two hours but it's free at the moment.

I park in level five of the multi storey - That level has security patrols around it because that's where the staff park.

Edited by scoobysailor
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My wife works down there and she says that there are plans to make you pay for your parking if you stay for over two hours but it's free at the moment.

I park in level five of the multi storey - That level has security patrols around it because that's where the staff park.

Interesting - cheers.

Next time I go there I may check out level five... as long as there are no CATS there... :D


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Now bear with me on this one. Cats dont like orange peel, if I remember rightly (my gran used to leave bits on her flower beds to keep them away), so put a blanket on your bonnet for a few nights that has had orange juice/zest rubbed into it. After a few nights, the little s**** wont come back. And that is coming from a cat owner!

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Well, orange defo works against cats, been a cat owner for many years.

Another one to try might be worth a try (a friend of mine has used this successfully to control a next door dog barking all night)... obtain some UHF Mp3's (the ones only cats and dogs can hear), when you spot the offending moggy, put it on, crank up the volume on the pc and stick a speaker out of the window. If its at night you can leave it looping.

Not as obvious as sendin the cat home with pellets in its a*** and definitely effective.

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Ive got the same problem with 3 cats hanging around the car and garden. I kept complaining to the owners of them, but they just didnt care. Well this morning I caught 2 of them in the garden, grabbed the air rifle shot both of them square on. Oh what joy to hear those little feckers squeal.

I will keep doing this until the owners do something about their cats or the little feckers learn to stop coming into the garden.

Well, could you not have tried some other method first? Owners can't tell cats what to do - they do what they want - there are products you can get to kee them away and a few other methods are mentioned here. You now just cost the owners a minimum of £40 to see the vet and probably more to remove the pellet - my wife is a vet nurse and sees this a lot. There's not much chance a cat's claws can scratch paintwork so much it can't be hand polished out.

I also would guess that what you did is indeed a crime and altho I can understand the frustration at the cat/cats, shooting them is shocking. We have 2 cats and I can't imagine how distraught my 4yr old would be if one of them ended up going to the vets after being shot.

Really not on m8.

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Well, could you not have tried some other method first? Owners can't tell cats what to do - they do what they want - there are products you can get to kee them away and a few other methods are mentioned here. You now just cost the owners a minimum of £40 to see the vet and probably more to remove the pellet - my wife is a vet nurse and sees this a lot. There's not much chance a cat's claws can scratch paintwork so much it can't be hand polished out.

I also would guess that what you did is indeed a crime and altho I can understand the frustration at the cat/cats, shooting them is shocking. We have 2 cats and I can't imagine how distraught my 4yr old would be if one of them ended up going to the vets after being shot.

Really not on m8.

:( not impressed! plenty other methods of keeping cats away without resorting to this.

Edited by Gus the Bus
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Ive got the same problem with 3 cats hanging around the car and garden. I kept complaining to the owners of them, but they just didnt care. Well this morning I caught 2 of them in the garden, grabbed the air rifle shot both of them square on. Oh what joy to hear those little feckers squeal.

I will keep doing this until the owners do something about their cats or the little feckers learn to stop coming into the garden.

you are a thug :( to shoot somebody's pet is inexplicable.. did you kill them? would you care if you had? Chump.

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:( not impressed! plenty other methods of keeping cats away without resorting to this.


In my last house, I had a problem with the local cats using the gravel area outside the front door as a big litter tray. I found spreading some cat repellent about worked a treat in keeping them away - yes you do get such stuff, normally next the slug pellets and rat poison in B&Q. :rotfl:

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