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Everything posted by b4z

  1. I have just bough an apexi avcr but the previous user has cut into the loom and the boost solinoid wires. i have wired the unit into the ecu wires as shown but there is still a pink wire left at then end of the loom.Also where dose the apexi boost solinoid wire into. the pink wire?? thanks for any help barry
  2. keith micheals must not like younger drivers. tryed 2 insure my blob sti my car has an alarm immob and a tracker. i have 7 year ncb no points and they would not touch me. would immgine its because am only 24. bell has always been the best for me
  3. was around 340 340 very happy need 2 find ma self an avcr now
  4. Just had the blob sti remapped by trackhound tuning. Alistair did a top job very happy with car feels stronger right through the revs and the launch control is a great tool for getting off the line quick top job cant recomend enough B4Z
  5. good bit of reading there thanks mate baz
  6. i have a blob eye sti and i ahve been looking at turbos for it the tdo5 20g seams very popular but i was looking to go over the 380 mark what is eveyone lese runnig. thanks baz
  7. been told something like that too. A have been told there is a new chemical in the fuel. bio fuel brings unwanted bactiria into the fuel system and can cause problems
  8. well i drive a blob sti and i work in a ford dealership so i have been out in new rs and see the st's. need to say neather member of the focus range can touch my car the rs dont feel like its 300bhp at all still nice cars though
  9. could u pm me a price mate am just along the road in kirkcaldy for doing a blob sti
  10. a always thought the dccd was an option on the blob a could be wrong becuse am tryin 2 figure out if my 04 plate blob is the changed model. sorry 2 jump in like this
  11. Got a pre facelift not an sti though think they are the best looking classics but most folk tend to prefer the newer ones.
  12. could be a fauly bearing try another one and if that fails a would be chnging the hub as it could have warpped
  13. A was told a needed the cable one for a v2 can u fit eather or?
  14. thanks mate a was told the sti v2 would be a bit of an up grade for ma car. i had an stil v1 ecu on the car and it never had the restrictor but that one had a chip in it
  15. Hello again am after some advice. I have fitted a 6k ecu out of an sti 2 import onto my uk v2 classic. The car will no longer get past 112mph is there something i can fit to remove this?? Thank you in advance
  16. Can anyone tell me what the standard ecu is on a v2 uk2000. a 4b or 7b rings a bell can anyone help
  17. been using fully synthetic 5w40 in ma classic for over 2 years now and av passed the 100k mark and engine as sweet as a nut still
  18. its illegal mate car is not allwed 2 bear sharp edges and u need 2 think about ur indicators and numberplate. If the police see a car without a front bumper on the road they will be on u like a shot
  19. hi has anyone got a fitting guide to fit a fuel pressure regulator to a classic thanks in advance
  20. heats in right place mate am all 4 helpin out people that are less fortunate. A think folks time would be better spent tryin 2 help u make ur idea better u know a little constructive criticsum. its good 2 see there are still people out there tryin 2 help others good on u mate
  21. am looking 2 change just the rear anti roll bar on my classic. What is the best size to go for? and where is the best place 2 get it ? thanx in advance
  22. car looks fantastic mate
  23. did ma classic one on ma drive biggets thing was the weight of the box but was not 2 bad a job realy u dont need 2 touch the engine
  24. thanx guys
  25. hi guys. After some sdvice. I recently bought cusco coilovers for my classic but the ajuster knobs on the lower section are eather dammaged or seized . Can this be fixed if so who works on coilovers ? thanx B4Z
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