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the squiggle

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Everything posted by the squiggle

  1. Sounds like a pretty much standard night when you two get together. Looking forward to seeing the movie when it gets released, thinking Grumpy Old Men meets Porkys with a dash of Black Hawk Down I will keeping an eye on the CNN website for further updates of the " Reunion "
  2. Congrats to all parties involved. The Cuban donkey fiddler can look after the Cat and I can take care of the RB
  3. Maisy is very upset with you for riding Bulls behind her back, you heartless fiend
  4. Spandex trousers and nipple tassles keep springing to mind for Callum and jesus sandals and a cautious smile for yourself.
  5. You should see it on my 40 foot print, so clear you can spot Imy, Nanaki and your belly
  6. Good luck and for god sake dont shoot anyone for a laugh while indulging in some Knob Creek and Wild Turkey
  7. What you trading in against the new car? Nice choice but what colour?
  8. Think about him every day and today even more Should not be under-emphasied how important the win in NZ was back in 93, without that crucial victory in the underpowered, overweight Legacy the hierarcy in Japan would have kept the Impreza as a JDM only road car.
  9. Also replies to the name Sheep I wish they would do cross platform releases so i ould race one and all regardless of system
  10. Sean, i will get a copy for the PS3 as well so that we can race trans atlantic sessions but i must warn you i will whoop your ass, in the nicest possible way. Stephen if you enjoyed DIRT then DIRT2 will blow you away big style
  11. Both my good man but mainly on the 360. That will probably change when GT5 comes out in Dec. TheSquirrel555 is my 360 gamertag
  12. Bloody brilliant. All the cars are there including the Black X Games Hawkeye, the magnificent R4, the screaming mk2 Escort and the legend that is L555BAT ( they are not allowed to use the 555 livery so it appears Black)
  13. Thanks mate The part about having somewhere to go is the crucial bit. If i can find something, even stacking shelves would do, then i will drop him right in the **** when i do depart. Drivning Instructor interests me and i will look into this more. Getting my Class 1 has always been my career goal and this scrotum is just making something happen sooner rather than later. As for the last bit of advice, it is truly astounding what you can get in exchange for for supplying a junkie with a bag of smack. I know i am a better person than him and that i am being bullied and now is the time to move on
  14. After 10 years plus with DHL i have came to the conclusion enough is a enough and if i dont find something else soon then i end up doing time for knocking my AM supervisor the f*ck out. Almost got to the point of phoning them to tell them to collect thier van as it seems to be on the Kingston Bridge with the engine running with no driver, as he has had enough s**** that he has abondoned the van Micheal Douglas style I get on fine with everyone else in my work apart from this scroat who is hellbent on twisting everything i say back against me. Any advise on where may be looking for workers or what is the best retailer for rat poison or indeed what would be a suitable next career move for a hard working driver that can fix cars. Loaded with the cold so feeling a bit worse for wear at the moment but i know for sure for the sake of my mental health and his physical health i need to find something else sooner rather than later
  15. Happy birthday Min. Enjoy yer dram or ten the nicht
  16. Thanks for all the greetings including Maisy Had a few tinnies and a cracking home cooked meal
  17. Only reason i favour the GT series over Forza is the Logitech wheel, if Microshaft allowed decent third party development of a wheel then Forza would nail it. Until then GT will always be my choice first but fear not Forza 3 will be purchased and indeed dominated Woohahahahahahah
  18. There is a video of in game damage to a WRC Subaru doing the rounds. GT5 and a G25 = Happiness PD have also obtained the WRC licence, which is nice as a decent WR game has been absent for too long
  19. What about the PLO member that was convicted of bombings in New York sometime in the 70's, released a couple of years later Hypocrisy does not even begin to cover it
  20. Awaiting the demos arrival on my hard drive with moist eagerness. Demo is just under a gig in size and feels like I am on a 56k connection. Looking forward to trying out the new physics model as the first game was a severe let down in that dept. Reports so far have favourable but as they say the proof is in the pudding.
  21. I have consumed a vast quantity of angel dust and I still don't see it going
  22. I have consumed a vast quantity of angel dust and I still don't see it going
  23. Is this the same Havana hat wearing crouquet champion of south Wales that used to reside in a castle constructed entirely of yak hair and guarded by heavily armed disgruntled hedgehogs. As for goemetry I suggest any good secondry school should still be offering geometry as part of the curriculem nut if the incident still prevents being within 400 yards of any secondry education establishment then Kenny Brown or Pro-grip will do the job. That is all
  24. Gonna depart tomorow as the weather looks a bit more favourable Thanks for everyones input
  25. I don't have any firm destination in mind. Only firm requirement is to be within reasonable distance of a Shell station. Cheers
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