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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. Thats the ones I think i will be trying for the small plate rather than the sticker type. The car wont be used daily so i will take my chances
  2. Quick, fast and reliable thats the way ahead!
  3. We are waiting on word from the union but we have been told the strike is over and that we are back in talks reguarding the pension scheme, the company has dropped the two tier scheme.
  4. Jimser its a blast mate! I cant even begin to imagine what some of the lastest cars are like with the 500 bhp. I have been following your thread with interest and it looks like you will have a weapon on your hands once its all set up. Frank i am still unsure as what to do with wheels. I have a picture of Colins car with the taramac wheels on it and thats what i am aiming for.
  5. Thanks for the replys folks! Alan you are right , the car is running well as it is so not sure how much difference it will make boxing it in. Baz it doesnt surprise me that you have duct in the garage as you have just about every thing else there. The evo may be in for a shock tho as this thing is rapid.
  6. To say i am happy would be an understatement . Andy said the car is running about 330 bhp which for a thirteen year old is not bad. I will need to be careful on the bends in the wet now. Cant believe its the same car Mark your turbo is back with dunc.
  7. I think he is refering to the link from scoobynet posted above.
  8. Had the same problem with my bugeye wagon, i sold it before i ever found out what the problem was. Mines stuck on when we were on the Richard Burns memorial run. I am sure there is a picture of a few of us on the way down from Aviemore with all my indicators on. Sorry i cant help though.
  9. Totally disgusted at the way these people have acted Having lent parts to several people on here without any problems i find it hard to believe that somebody would have the cheek to do this. Anyway rant over ! Grant i would think that 99% of the folks on here are honest genuine sccoby lovers but the other 1 % are c@nts. Hopefully you get your cash.
  10. Ah so you are the turbo owner! Yes its in the boot of the car. If he had said your log on name i would have known who he ment. As far as the power goes i honestly dont know, i think my injectors will be the limiting factor but i dont know what they can cope with power wise. Seafar i havent came up with an answer to the number plate question yet but i dont want it blocking the intercooler so a bit thought is required. I may try my luck with a smaller than standard plate and take my chances.
  11. Cheers for the comments! Dipsy boxing in the induction kit is something i do plan on doing but had to wait till all the intercooler pipe work was in first, that will now allow me to make up a template of the shape i will need. I will be removing the intercooler water spray bottle as it will no longer be used so i should manage to get a cold air feed up to the filter. Also planning on lagging the intercooler pipe work at some stage as well.
  12. Picked up the car today from Hypertech! Big thanks to Dunc and young Dunc for the work carried out. A very well fitted frountmount along with fuel pressure regulator and a set of four pots to replace the crappy two pots that were on it. Oh and did i mention that i am off to Port Seaton tomorrow to have the apexi power fc fitted and mapped Not much sleep tonight me thinks and just to finish off a good day its my birthday
  13. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=115233
  14. Paul old road garage at Clackmannan, i used them before on the wagon and they did a good job! Worth a try. Planning on using them soon on the 555. Old Road Garage Cram Of Kennet Ltd Maintenance & Repair of Motor Vehicles: Car Body & Accident Repairs Kennet Village Alloa Clackmannanshire FK10 4DP Telephone: 01259 216189
  15. Well said that man !! Early classics rule ( although slightly biased view )
  16. Welsho he is up to his ears just now. Mines is still there from the day you ran over my goods
  17. My mate got a ticket outside ibrox for not displaying his, it was still in the post as he had ordered it online. He phoned the next day and had to send in the proof to show what date he had ordered it and the fine was dropped.
  18. Looks like you had a very lucky escape.
  19. Good news, somebody is getting a belter.
  20. Agree with all of the above, stunning car and not an unrealistic price. Its just a case of waiting till the right buyer comes along.
  21. Cant help to much with the advice but give http://www.asperformance.com/ or http://www.godspeedbrakes.co.uk/home.htm and i am sure they will point you in the right direction. Another thumbs up for the afterburner vortex. ( made by hayward and scott )
  22. Give westgate tyres a phone on 01524 840044 and ask for graham. I was talking to him the other day and he said they had a few on special offer of £125 plus delivery. I cant remember what size he said they were but its worth a phone call to find out.
  23. No problem mate just drop it off if you are passing this way! ( no rush ) Jodie thats the picture i was looking for
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