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Everything posted by C_WRX

  1. I had a 2004 WRX and ended up with 336bhp similar from what you have so far + VF35 (TD05-16G similar), STi TMIC, STi pinks and Walbro fuel pump - then of course a remap. Perhaps looking for someone Bug/Blob upgrading / breaking and moving the STi parts on most cost effective ?? I bought a new Walbro for piece of mind.
  2. Aye, I know ! Saved up not posting for a while just to get it over with in one go ! Besides Barry, isn't this just around the time you get up from your afternoon nap, so must have been really bad ! Can't text you, just deleted your number ya cheeky barsteward
  3. I no longer have the Subaru but do drop in sometimes to see what’s going on, and if there’s anything organised close to home of interest. I have to admit to rarely posting as I feel I have a lot less to contribute being Scoobless. I would like to return to a Subaru and this site one day so time for a reply. Can’t remember the numbers but sidc does I believe have a decent following. Have to pick up on mctwistuk’s point of why it is quiet at times (not as bad lately though??). Whether you agree or not I am posting really to see if it helps more people join in, but will mention the net connection as well given it's what gumball asked originally. Last year I had a clear out of all the leftover Subaru parts and found net a bigger more needing audience to sell the parts (and search for a cheap 2nd car ), and of course be rude not to have a wander around the site. To be honest the general chat wasn’t for me, so never really took part in any topic discussions beyond the posts needed to allow me to get on to sell my parts. In the process of researching some of the cars that came up for sale and selling the parts I messaged a few folk, most of who have to admit came across fairly decent folk. I find it no different here. Why wasn’t it for me – not easy to answer – perhaps was an age thing and the chat kicking about, perhaps just cause felt more out of it not having a Subaru & knowing no-one, likely a combination of a few things and not just one main thing. Sure there’s going to be a few b@wb@gs on net, more there if posting numbers are higher, but you get that on every forum - deal with it or ignore it and move on. I didn’t even find the set up any better or worse, just slightly different, a preference thing no doubt. Been mentioned in a way already but try this and prove me wrong (sorry if already been done and I missed the post). I use google as my search engine, perhaps others return different results. A new Subaru owner from Scotland, I want to find out more about my car/tuning/local meets/etc. Search on-line for anything Scotland/Scottish Subaru/Scoobies club/forum - any guess which site appears first !? – so in this fancy fangled day-n-age of the World Wide Web, what’s in a name – quite a lot I’d guess given it will be the main starting point for a lot of potential new members. If not the name then how does sidc move up the list ?? If you take yourself out of Scotland then scoobynet appears first, not to mention competing for members against some well established regional clubs. Just a thought out loud. A note to the several hundred of the readers only to this thread (yes I was nearly one of those). One thing I know from experience is that you feel a lot more part of the group if you get yourself along and meet people face-to-face. When I first joined sidc I did feel there was a bit of a clique on the forum amongst the more established members, but have to say that when I finally got myself along to a meet it never felt like that and found most welcoming, realising more that it was a group of like-minded people who simply used the forum to have a laugh, and to be honest didn’t really know who I was till I said hello face-to-face. No doubt net is the same. If you take the Kames meet in a few weeks time – guarantee that the names down on the a.m and p.m list all know as a minimum at least one other person in advance of turning up, vast majority knowing everyone. So a.m 16 people more or less same as last time there will turn up and have a chat/laugh/drive – been there a few times with the sidc folks with and without my Subaru and it is a decent few hours out. If you haven’t been to a meet but are thinking about it just do it – hey you won’t leave with a new best friend but it does help in getting more involved on the forum chat. The drivers are usually quite accommodating in taking a passenger (just don’t have lunch and irn-bru right beforehand....almost guilty!! ) so you don’t need to just stand about the whole time. The forum activity exists largely through a main core group of people pushing it along, through the years parts of that core move on for various reasons, it is up to All to contribute to any forum success. Possible point that might point towards encouraging people to join in the topics, no doubt there are more. On net you have to log in to view posts (well I do anyway), so when searching for info your logged on – sidc you don’t and so someone simply looking for a quick bit of info doesn’t even need to be registered. Would joining and logging onto the site encourage some chat ?? Appreciate arguably may also discourage some as well but can’t see it has gone against net. As blobeye noted people have to post 5 times before much happens in which time they are met with a wall of "welcomes" and "show us yur motor" requests. To those organising & attending Kames (and other events) – about the week of the event post up on the main section of the Scottish section basically highlighting it is taking place – the event is tucked away (correctly) in a sub-section that perhaps not everyone ventures into too often. The rolling road day in a few weeks – nice one mctwistuk (twice you’ve been mentioned in this post without any “p” even attempting to be removed) in getting both sites together for a bit of joint banter through friendly power rivalry. I think “them and us” does exist for some, but some people lose the way where in a grown up world of common Subaru theme it can so easily stay friendly – and that goes to both sites (plenty of bitching examples from both sides)! I for one didn’t initially know net existed, no doubt for some on net it is the same just now and perhaps highlighting there is more than one Scottish site they might try here out and, like a lot on here, find sidc more to their preference. The above is just my opinion, and I know I have waffled on. I have no doubt some will agree with all/some/none of it, but if it in any way pulls even one person out from the background or gets positive discussion going then job done. Off back into hidding now
  4. S'ven route takes you all right past my house...the rumble won't make me feel bad about no longer having the scoob at all . Larkhall or if you come up through Hamilton both have v-power if you were leaving it to the last minute to fill up, just need to add 10mins onto your driving time for the slight detour. Good wee road though as a warm up.
  5. Hearing a lot of peoples insurance coming down this year, right thing shopping about for sure. My car now is standard so after searching around Aviva were miles better than Keith Michaels this year who I'd been with for about 6 years. If call KM's try get through to Gary as others have said.
  6. Wow how the topics have changed on here in the last few years - whenever I used to put a pic of a freshly shined up car on was told to get off to Detailing World . You won't go far wrong with majority of the clay bars you buy from a decent detailing shop e.g. CleanYourCar. If never used one before take 5mins to read up on the how to, easy process to do but couple of important guidelines that could help. If giving the car a proper clean then claying is a must. Personally I just go with either the Meguiars or Sonus (mainly cause bought loads of it while back) along with the Megs Last Touch spray (I also use this drying the car so has double purpose to me)...but the Bilt Hamber reads up well and if you don't need the spray to go along with then cost effective option also. Also no need for any of the aggressive types of claybar, think using the manufacturers wording either soft or mild should be fine.
  7. Did it last year Ritchie, sure you'll enjoy it. Ferrari was surprisingly least exciting out of lot I did (Lamborghini, GTR & Merc) but had to experience it. No R8 there when I was there, think Merc replaced it that day. GTR came out top as best drive for me, but I still would have the Lamborghini. Good day out, family can go along and watch as well no problem. Drives maybe felt a little short from what i was expecting, but that could have been partly enjoying it as well. Atom pax ride is short but very sweet...I had a NASCAR driver pilot mine from memory....you'll want one at end of it. Idea to get there mid-a.m on the time slots as fills up fast and you queue for your drive - popular ones getting the longest queues of course.
  8. Am I allowed to add one of my old one ?? So many but ....... ........and push my luck and put up the only pick of the new non-Subaru chariot (not had time to get to work on it yet) ???
  9. I know you are specifically asking for a Nur spec R Davie but if you wanted a replacement oem exhaust till right upgraded one came along I am sure I have bits off my old 2004 Blob WRX in the loft somewhere. Open to offers on all / bits of it (pm me if wanted). Only piece I am positive I don't have is the oem downpipe, could double check others if interested. System was taken off before car reached 20k miles. Fairly sure I also have an Afterburner cat pipe, which from memory is the one that joins to downpipe one side & centre section the other to replace the catalytic convertor (1 of 3 under there think??). Still for sale with pics on the Scoobyworld site and is manufactured for them by Hayward & Scott. Better half has been at me to move whole load of the stuff on as the cars now sold - think there's also a TD04 turbo, 440 injectors, oem intercooler/undertray, oem spoiler, front discs, uprated pads and a few other boring bits up there as well .....that almost turned into a for sale ad (which I need to get sorted in next few weeks) !
  10. Fire up a quick pic if you can and may be get a better idea. Usually a fine line but guideline is does your finger nail catch in the scratch groove when you (gently) run it down the scratch ?? Which "valley" is it you are in ? (so not to tell you about someone in Lanarkshire/Glasgow when she lives nowhere near there!). The chipsaway type thing have their place but comes a point when only way to fix it properly is to have it resprayed.
  11. Really liking that ! A "clean" example - understatement, the underside of that is so clean was looking for the labels still hangin' off some of that gear !! Have fun !
  12. Just a little jealous - looks a cracker !
  13. I remember all this kinda thing when first got my WRX blob too. Fitted centre section first and never got it remapped, no real power difference although car felt a little smoother / free'er. Sure I've still got a centre section decat pipe somewhere from when I got the extra piece of pipework still attached when bought the sportscat dp . Remembered this diagram (which I can't get to copy on here so link with it on it will have to do) http://www.scoobyworld.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24_53&products_id=448
  14. Bet your glad to be back in a Scoob Phil. Worth the wait ? Hope the tidy up plans go to...well....plan.
  15. Nope, looks rubbish Gordon....now got to go, got a bid to make In that condition you'd expect a decent amount of history??, didn't see mention of the bodywork ever being resprayed but if not then over 12/13 years it has been very well looked after. Does looks good though, plenty nice extras on there to make it just a little different. Good luck if you go for it....you did say you'd get another Scoob after all !
  16. Hey Gordon. I use the poorboys wheel sealant on my own cars, feel brings up a nice finish and I can top up when I want, doesn't last the longest perhaps though. On the cars that folk ask for my help on I tend to use FK1000p. It is long lasting and good value for money. This can also be used on your cars bodywork (different applicator of course!) if you just want give it a once now and again protection. I have both here if you were over this way anytime and wanted to see them on a wheel or two before buying for yourself.
  17. Just been through exactly what you are with what to do. My blobeye was more of a show-n-shine toy...2500 miles the last full year I had it. Family is growing and a new job meant I'd have to use it Monday-Friday. I actually thought that I could've managed space wise with all the kiddy accessories, it was more the bumps/scrapes/scratches and the cost of running it in boringly slow traffic that made me decide to move it on. Do I wish I still had it - absolutely . Did I do the right thing - probably ! At the end of the day keeping something worth what it was locked away in the garage seemed a little pointless - tax/MOT/servicing all for the sake of a run now and again just didn't add up. Okay so I may never find something as immaculate as it was again, but hey, had fun while I had it.
  18. There's a few bug WRXs on here with 16g / V34 / V35 turbos running between 320 and 340 - MrSailor and KennyUK300 to name but a few. Basically I think you'd be looking at getting the exhaust sorted out all way through - decat up-pipe, decat/100cell sports cat downpipe and decat from there back with either 2.5 or 3in width. Get STi i/c & pink injectors fitted. Make sure you have an uprated fuel pump & airbox filter. Think that's all the bits. Then get it mapped for 99RON and you should be looking to join those between 320 and 340. As much focusing on bhp look to get good Lbft. Don't forget to think about the brakes and handling, at some point you will come to a bit of road that isn't straight . Unless your car has had/gets a hard life the gearbox should be okay at that power. I had a VF35 turbo fitted with all the supporting stuff on my Blob and the difference from 280 to 336 was very very noticeable - I never regretted it one bit......but now it has gone
  19. Saw you on the 74 this morning - here's hoping the map lets the car go faster than the van was . Have to say, even on the trailer on a dull morning it looked very nice indeed !!
  20. I've a blob WRX. I went from 225 to 280 to now 336 : to get to 280 it was decatted (sport cat d/p) and panel filter. About 2 weeks later though as the smile lessened I already wanted more, to get to 336 was STi bits (turbo/i/c/injectors). As others have said do as much as you can afford to just now and make it all the more worthwhile. You will notice a difference in how it pulls for sure, but I can't really say it felt mind blowingly quicker, unlike when I went to 336 which even still leaves a smile on my face.
  21. As always Mr.wulsey, stunning finish. Attention to detail is top notch.
  22. Fairly easy to clean your bay - Scoob wise done it to my own 3 times now, RitchieCross's and badbaz's once (not sure if I told him or not...and not sure if he'd really notice! !) and never damaged one of them !! First off DO NOT PUT A PRESSURE WASHER ON IT, especially if you've never done it before!! What you're trying to avoid is forcing water where it shouldn't go. An open ended hose is sufficient. Cover the alternator, battery and I tend to cover obvious electrics. You'll need some engine degreaser cleaner, I use Meguiars Super Degreaser but there are others. Make sure engine is cool, spray on degreaser, agitate, hose off (remember lighter the better), dab dry a few areas of sitting water, remove coverings on alternator etc (important!!), start the car & leave for up to 3mins (don't want to burn yourself), stop engine, dry rest of bay where possible, apply engine bay protectant. TMIC is fine getting a bit wet !! Once you're finished let the engine get to a decent temp to dry rest of water. Hoses: Have a look at my for sale post, there's a pick of my bay with the red hoses. The airbox is only samco one, rest are from a company called autobahn. Supposedly as you take one off you just replace with the new one - meant to be fairly easy but I just had them fitted at the garage when they serviced my car. Ask Wulsey about it, looked immense on his bug which is where I got the idea from. More than one way to do both of the above, just the way I do/did it. Hope it helps a bit.
  23. Well if your keen on it go for it, get on to Detailing World (where all the ocd car cleaning folk hang out ) and have a read through some of the guides on there. You'll also find some suppliers on there for polisher kits.
  24. I'd just stick to buying from a recognised supplier. Even though the Halfords Meguiars set is okay the price is tad steep and the spray doesn't go too far when used properly. Loads of suppliers to choose from and give details for you to read through as to what would suit you - check out their websites or even better call them and ask : PolishedBliss, Chemical Guys, Clean Your Car, etc etc etc. The claybar is just one piece of it, you need lube as well (easy on the giggling folks!!). It is basically the spray you put on the bodywork before you rub the clay over it. Some use small drop of car shampoo mixed with water / I use a product called Meguiars Last Touch (can also be used to aid drying giving streak free finish after normal washing). The cheap machine polishers are cheap for a reason, not much better than by hand at times. The decent ones in the wrong hands can do damage, although you have to go some with a Dual Action in fairness. The kit as a whole is not cheap,then of course there's the time it takes to do the whole car...many many hours. May come across a bit negative but trying to point out there's a lot more to it than a quick spin over the top of the car in an afternoon. Different poeple will have different opinions above is just mine.
  25. There is Paul from Ultimate Shine, not sure if that's too far away over in Fife?? Corsa mentioned Chemical Guys, there's a guy that works out of their doing more along the detailing side of things. Both of the above are very very good at what they do. Prices best speak to them, you'll decide for yourself what's acceptable. I'd perhaps suggest considering getting it done closer into spring time, the rubbish weather will not just spoil its new clean look but when you go to clean it there's more grit etc to possibly mark it again...if you get what I mean. The change in its appearance will always bring a smile to your face, of the folks cars I did always made it worthwhile to see their genuine positive reaction when they first set eyes on it.
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