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Everything posted by StewartyBoy

  1. Thought Norris was going to appear from that car...JOKE!!!
  2. These are growing soooo much on me. Unsure which model it was, but at the Mcrae Gathering last year they had a Grey coloured car on the stand with quite large anthracite wheels on it. Would I be right in saying it was a 330!? Anyway, as soon as I saw it standing like that my opinion of it changed completely. Great car your Dad's got there!
  3. Think of a forum as a kalaidescope of opinions. I have one, you have one and everyone else that signs in to comment has one. You cannot expect there to be no criticism, and the few members including me, who have posted on this thread have had an opinion on the matter just like you have. I will however not become offended by your comment, all I will say is that I will NOT take kindly to having my "hand slapped" for making my own opinion or stance on this thread by yourself. Make your defence against our opinions, if not able to express them dont post at all.
  4. Ive seen a good few of his videos now, and reckon this guy may just have too much money. If he cant pull out podium finishes in a car with that sort of power then he should be employing a driver.
  6. Dealer or Subaru Scrappy in Paisley
  7. Am I right in saying it was stuck between the grooves of the disc rather than between the disc and a seperate part of the car,which the others referring too are a weather shield!?
  8. This passed week I have lost a friend in a fatal car crash on the M8. Most will have read of, or sat in the huge tailback after "that" Lamborghini crashed earlier this week. I live in Renfrew Ferry Village which is just behind Xscape@Braehead. At 10 o'clock I heard a lot of Ambulance, Fire and Police sirens whaling up the road. Leaving to pickup my girlfriend from her PR job at 11 I found that, next to the newly built Porsche garage were 3 cars. One was on its roof, the other IN the Porsche Garage and another having its roof cut off to save the occupants inside. Having had a crash as bad as this, not too long ago all I can stress is please slow down. These crashes devestate lives. I still find it difficult clambering into the cockpit of a Scooby. There seems to be a trend of youngsters spending thousands of pounds on cars, modifying, installing I.C.E and paying for expensive paintjobs for the car to end up in the pedestrian walkway outside Braehead upside down. On the way OUT of town yet another car taking a bend too fast and ending up in the central reservation just coming off of the Kingston Bridge. This is happening far too often. I started this thread to say, please before you decide to take "that" chance overtaking, or get ratted off because your forced to undertake, just think of the "what if" nagging in the back of your head and remember that as quick as you make the decision to carry on with the intended manouvre, it can be all over in a blink of an eye. This week ive had a great loss. It need'nt have happened.
  9. 3 points for having no Tax and 6 and £150 fine for MOT unless you can prove that your on your way to have a test. A mate at wirk got done last week coming home from Glasgow in the wee small hours. Prat.
  10. Sorry mate, but I cant help but feel those metal loops look a bit dangerous. Security is obviously paramount in your mind, when it comes to your life and anyone elses you shouldnt take any chances. I'm an Agricultural engineer, and even the seabelts in the machinery are far better restrained than those look, imagine what your face would look like when those ping off...wouldnt wanna give up those handsome looks so quickly would you!?
  11. I know where theres an 07 plate WRX going for 8500 if interested.
  12. Ive testdriven 2 cars at 1st choice. After getting a check back on the 1st (which was an M3) came back as STOLEN, 2nd car I testdrive was a P1 Impreza that clicked really loudly as I drove it, guy said it was tappets!? More like it was the a*** end giving up!! A friend traded in a 206 GTi Gran Tourismo, they gave him 1800 for it. Weekend after it was in the papaer for 7k!!!! WTF!? STAY AWAY FROM 1ST CHOICE MOTORS, COMPLETE RIPOFF MERCHANTS!!
  13. Hate to hear things like this happening. I was on the Lochlibo Road lastnight in my car when an MR2 with a young driver tried to overtake on the brow of a hill, coming the other way was a Scenic and it ended three a breast across the road. Too many people taking too many chances. Hope they catch the boy in the Impreza and scalp him!
  14. Like I said, price I was quoted for was Anthracite that I had given the paint code for so it was more expensive. What dealer did you approach for the paint code!? If you already own the wheels which obviously you do, then you have a right to the code to make your own mind up on whether youll buy new wheels or refurb them.
  15. Chameleon in Renfrew are really good. For £230 they will do a 1 day turnaround Taking the wheels off Refurbing them Putting them back on Valeting the car Or £190 for the standard service if your willing to wait a couple of days. Prices vary on colour and size but the price Ive given you was what I was quoted for 17" in anthracite. UNIT 8 STATION CRES RENFREW PA4 8RA 0141 885 1714 (24HRS) DIVERT SERVICE BEHIND THE BINGO HALL TOWARDS THE FERRY
  16. Had a run out with Richie when he brought my SatNav back yesterday. Car feels incredible, Turbo does spool up later but what a punch when it delivers. Top dollar spent, but top power gained!!
  17. HAHA GENIUS!! I used to have a "Valver" Megane Coupe. Tell you what, gave a few people a fright in that car!!!
  18. Yup saw one on Monday morning in Paisley. Full Strathclyde Police Livery. I have to admit, its one mean lookin Mother Hubbard!
  19. Definately a bugeyes brackets. If you can get the brackets to me I can modify them and send them back to you. Could also adjust them so you dont have to place shims in to adjust the angle.
  20. Car looks grand! As youve got the facelift bonnet, and are planning to renew the grill it may be a good idea to source a second hand pair of facelift headlights to fit the gap between the grill and bonnet better!?
  21. Looks like the bracket must sit much deeper into the bumper mate, possibly looking for the bracket to be fitted up inside..!?!
  22. I reckon a facelift would make a real difference to the car. Reserving judgement on the wheels, I reckon a good set of UK Turbo wheels refurbed would keep the car in its date by making it look un-modified. Cars a cracker mate
  23. I would place a washer then a rubber shim between the bracket and the bumper to avoid damage to the bumper. When attaching or connecting wires ensure that the ground you use is removed first, rust/corrosion removed from connection and surface. Use emery or a wire brush to clean the surface. Dont want to buy spotlights and have them dim due to a bad earth. Also try and get hold of heat shrinking connections for when cutting, and then re-attaching wires. Again, keeps out moisture and gives a far superior connection. I would advise placing a fuse between them to prevent a surge if they were particularly expensive... Any problems getting hold of heat shrinking connections PM me, and I'll post you some.
  24. I have a couple of cars I run. 1 brand new and thirsty and 1 old car thats also very thirsty!! I stuck the olders cars insurance on the same policy but I know a lot of companies will not allow a 2nd car policy. Depends on your company! Also, if you are only going to be using the 2nd car as a toy and dont want to insure it full time there is an alternative. www.dayinsure.com are a company who will sell short time insurance i.e 1 day for £12 or something like that. Im sure they are partners with Norwich Union, it covers you Fully Comp. Only downside is that youll need an extra secure lockup so it doesnt get nicked in the meantime! Hope that helps...
  25. Stay clear, as said above your just buying what someone has given up on. It may look all pretty, but its a pig in a poke!
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