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Everything posted by StewartyBoy

  1. I nearly missed out on that weekend, possibly the greatest of my life so far. I have a lot of pics leftover that I never posted on here if anyone is interested.
  2. Yeah right... i.e Big job and wanted to get the smaller ones through first before I could be a***d taking that box out
  3. Haven't got a pic Chris, but the Saxo VTR that wrote off my Impreza had a lovely Porsche "Turbo" badge on its bootlid.
  4. What idiot said you could'nt paint the surround!? Is it not just plastic!? Car, as always is looking great Col. I would'nt re-sticker. After spending the time having her painted up and the surround done, its looking quite aggressive all black...
  5. HAHA just glad someone found one of my photos any good
  6. Thats a nice picture Baz. Where was THAT knicked from...?
  7. I'd book in for a day of that. Mines a black Saab, so if anyone doesnt mind my pipe and slippers its definately a go'er.
  8. Thanks mate
  9. Pretty good figures there. What spec/supported mods do you have to reach that number?
  10. Yeah I was recieving NHS physio but to be honest, it was'nt anything i couldnt have done myself at home! I'm now paying for a sports injury therapist myself so hopefully he can sort it out!
  11. Hope you made the run up and down ok Craig and the event was good! I've had an ongoing problem with my Traps muscles on my back from when I was in the crash that wrote off the scooby. Lastnight took it to all new pain levels, where I had lost all feeling in my right arm and could'nt hear out my left ear! All from a sore back!
  12. ...or worse, having to go to the Doctors at 5AM for painkillers...
  13. Stating the obvious here, but no dumoing = no pressure buildup so I would be inclined to agree with the above. Somethings leaking for sure!
  14. Black on black is the way to go. I tinted my rear wondows to tie it all together.
  15. Exhausts are'nt filling the rear valance enough for me or vice versa.
  16. With the centre of it being black, I reckon tinting the rear 3 windows alone would compliment the darker parts of your car i.e Wheels and top spoiler.
  17. Raer bumper has been robbed straight off of an M5. I actually quite like the Hatches now, so expect this to grow on me.
  18. Car's looking great so far Mark.
  19. Sorted If Mark posted how the car REALLY looks just now you'd like it more
  20. The spring could have snapped at the bottom in the seating where it can't be seen. I would also recommend jacking the car up, get a pair of gloves on and physically apply pressure to parts to make sure there isn't any play. When the car is on the ground, weight is applied so any play will be taken up by this.
  21. Even IF this thread had stereotyped a certain website which it has not, your reaction towards it has clearly done you justice mate. It does not matter what website you look at, just because your young doesn't give ANY excuse to drive this way. Oh yeah, I'm only 25. Does that mean I can just go round putting other peoples life in danger!? I think your the one that needs to grow up and stop living in your youth that you seem to be defending.
  22. That's what I like to hear mate! There really is no other sound like it! We did a run last year that heard 25 Impreza's revving through the tunnel. BIIIIIG smiles...
  23. Your totally right, but lets be honest we all like to take the moral high-ground but when it comes down to it, coppers are only human too and are going to make daft decisions. I'm not defending the total numpties completely for rolling it and ruining someones posh garden, if I did that to my VAN at work I would get the bullet as should these two!
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