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Richie Cross

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Everything posted by Richie Cross

  1. Hi mate, If you have a look in the Events section of Scottish Scoobies, there are threads about meets/convoys etc Cheers
  2. With regards to the panel filter needed for the map...if my car has PPP on it, would the filter have been changed at that point or will I just have the standard one? My one is green and I think I remember Andyjdmsti looking at it when he was going to sell me one, but he said it was ok???
  3. Nice. How long is the wait and what are you hoping for?
  4. ....and I see you haven't taken your name off the list!!
  5. Folks...to keep this topic on the first page and to maybe get an idea of where we are, I've taken the liberty of making up a list based on everyone's comments. Please add/delete as required. 1) jim dbm 2) Richie 3) Iain01 4) craigdmcd - depending on price 5) Wilky0302 - depending on price/dates 6) Mikeyorr - depending on price/dates Possibles 7) Jus 8) NKWKX - wants to be persuaded 9) gordyq - interested if map can be done far enough in the future? 10) Frank C - might be interested 11) Stubaroo - depends on funds With regards to prices, as far as Andy's website goes, with a group buy it's £460+vat. I don't know if this is the rock bottom he goes to depending on the number of people?
  6. In between the questions etc, I thought we could start an official list for those that definitely want to do it or those that can add - depends on etc etc their name 1) jim dbm 2) Richie
  7. Hello and welcome! Nice car.....c'mon the Blobeyes!!!
  8. Me too. Saw regular unleaded for 110 and thought 'wow..amazing'.....but it's not really!!! Better than it was but how long will it last!!??
  9. My MY05 wagon only has PPP, uprated fuel pump and sportscat. I e-mailed Andy who said with the up pipe and map, I'd see about 20bhp but considerable amount of mid range torque. I couldn't afford the whole package at the moment so plan to do this then hopefully the turbo/injectors at a later date.
  10. From Andy's website: EcuTek custom mapping 99-07 A custom remap (also known as a Tek3) is £500+vat. Volume discounts are available on this price and a typical 'group buy' price is £460+v depending on the number of cars booked in. Phone or email for details of the latest offers available. The above price is for the initial custom mapping which includes the licencing fee for the ECU. Subsequent mapping of a licenced ECU is £195+v if it my own base map or £350+v if starting with another tuners base map.
  11. Go on, go on, go on.....you know you want to!!!
  12. Hi mate, Kept the Prodrive backbox but got a Meercat decatted downpipe with 100 cell sportscat then Meercat did the straight through centre section. If I remember, Willie said I was one of the first to get the sportscat so he went and got it checked, MOT style, before I took the car away. The figures were all well within the MOT range. No other problems. Willie said he could do me a nice up pipe for £90 but I believe I'd get overboost with that and would need the map. If this group buy goes ahead..that's what I'll do....maybe!!! Can't afford the turbo/injector upgrade all at once at the moment. Really I SHOULDN'T have any remap but this forum sends me the wrong messages!!!!
  13. Last years group buy was a case of getting the numbers in and then the people involved arranging their appointments with Andy at his place in Port Seton...IIRC. On his site he says he can travel if there are a few people from the same area. Not sure if this would apply to the group buy unless anyone can tell us different?
  14. I ended up changing my mind when the group buy was on the go last year but now I've decided that 'that's what credit cards are for'!!! Will only get an up pipe and remap but at least it'll be cheaper for the future remap when I'm doing a turbo upgrade!! Richie - MY05 WRX wagon
  15. I can't believe that when I was filling up recently and I noticed V-Power was something like 122p I actually thought, 'Oh, that's cheap'!!! because it was a few pence cheaper than last time. Can you remember when we broke the pound for the first time!? Oh to go back to those days!!
  16. One was the '4x4' type witht the AMG in totally different lettering
  17. I like to see all the badges. Guess it's because I'm used to seeing Saxo's etc that have de-badged to hide the fact that they're actually only in a 1.1 or something! A bit off topic but I've recently seen a couple of Mercs with an AMG badge on the back when it was soooo blatantly NOT an AMG!! Why????!!!
  18. Yeah!! When I was your passenger at Crail for my first time you said 'Your car would be quicker'!! Nice figures though. I dream of getting a re-map
  19. Thing is, for high speed pursuits....against stolen Porsches/Evo's/Scoobies etc....the police need cars to match. As for the helicopter...I work for Strathclyde...largest force in Scotland and we only have one helicopter. I think I'm right in the fact it's the only police helicopter in Scotland....at a cost of about 4 or 5million!!! It's all money. A few helicopters or 20 odd/30k on a car out of your force budget. ANPR is a great bit of kit for catching uninsured drivers etc but not every traffic car has got it. Money again.
  20. They would though wouldn't they!!!!
  21. Made it to the first of the year but then work has got in the way of a good time. Off for next months though! Hurrah!
  22. Cheers everybody. I am liking the look of Keira and Paul's wagons. JW - cheers for the photoshop although...damn you! I'm liking the look of the new rims and brakes!!! Will speak to 'the wife'. It's obviously for the sake of the baby. Can't get sun in her eyes now!
  23. Ah, Keira!! Forgot about your wagon!!! Shows how long it's been since I made it to a meet!!!!
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